Diseases Starting with G

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G6pd Deficiency | Gall Bladder  | Stones | Ganglion | Gastritis | Glaucoma | Gout | Guillain Barre Syndrome | Gynecomastia

G6pd Deficiency

G6PD is an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase. An insufficient amount of this enzyme is termed G6PD deficiency. Though the disease is rarely fatal, it causes a spectrum of complaints like jaundice in the newborn as well as acute and chronic breakdown of red blood cells. This condition is prevalent throughout the Mediterranean, the African, Asian and Middle East countries. This is the most common enzyme deficiency in the world. 400 million people worldwide are affected by this enzyme disorder.
What is G6PD deficiency?
G6PD is a genetic, X-linked, metabolic disorder, passed on from mother to mostly the male child (females are usually healthy carriers of the gene defect). G6PD is an enzyme that keeps the red blood cells (RBCs) healthy and plays an important role in oxidizing processes. A deficiency can lead to sudden destruction of red blood cells.
Being a genetic disorder, there are more than 300 variants of this condition. The symptoms vary in their severity in different people according to the variant form of the genetic defect. G6PD plays an important role in the production of a chemical – glutathione. This chemical antioxidant is essential for maintaining the integrity of the cell walls of the RBCs.
Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying protein in blood. It is a major component of all red blood cells and gives them their red color. This protein picks up oxygen from the lungs, carries it throughout the body and delivers it to all your cells. In addition, hemoglobin also picks up some of the carbon dioxide produced by the cells and transports it to the lungs from where it is exhaled out.
Cells need oxygen for their basic functions and to keep them alive. Hence, without enough red blood cells to transport oxygen to your cells and carbon dioxide away from your cells, it is like literally suffocating every tissue and organ system in the body. When glutathione levels are very low, the hemoglobin in the RBCs are unable to bind with oxygen. This breaks down the cell wall, spilling out all its contents.
Symptoms of G6PD deficiency
Most forms of G6PD are mild and do not have any symptoms. Symptoms develop when people are either exposed to certain foods or drugs (fava beans; sulpha-drugs and particularly those drugs having ‘-quine’ at the end of their names), or when the person is severely ill, or when exposed to noxious substances.
Symptoms develop when rapid breakdown of RBCs occurs.
Some symptoms seen are:
Appearing very pale
Sudden rise in body temperature
Rapid heart beats
Shortness of breath
Pain in the back or abdomen
Urine appears very dark, red, red-brown, brownish or tea colored
Yellow coloring of the eyes and skin (jaundice)
Spleen may be enlarged
The symptoms usually disappear when the offending food or drug is stopped.
Infants with G6PD deficiency can present with prolonged jaundice anywhere around days 1-4 after birth.
When to meet the physician?
You need to immediately meet up with your physician if:
You experience severe exhaustion or pale skin or any of the persisting symptoms become worse.
Your urine appears very dark, red, red-brown, brownish or tea colored.
Your urine output has noticeably reduced recently.
Diagnosis of G6PD deficiency
When any of the above mentioned symptoms present themselves in a person of ethnic groups susceptible to the condition then, G6PD deficiency is suspected. In children, most cases go undetected until the child develops a health problem.
Some laboratory investigations asked for are:
Complete blood count: active G6PD shows presence of “Heinz bodies” (protein aggregates) within the red blood cells.
Liver Function Tests: done to rule out other causes of liver damage and jaundice.
Coomb’s Test: to check for presence of direct antiglobulin. The results should ideally be negative as RBC breakdown isn’t an auto-immune condition.
Haptaglobulin: reduced in RBC breakdown (hemolysis).
Beutler Fluorescent spot test: The conversion of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) to its reduced form in RBCs is the basis of diagnostic testing for the deficiency.
Treatment of G6PD deficiency
For the majority of people affected, treatment of G6PD is as simple as avoiding the triggering agent. Severely ill children may need hospitalization, oxygen support and intravenous fluids.
It is important to avoid the foods and drugs below.
Antibiotics (Sulphonamides, Co-trimoxazole (Bactrim, Septrin), Dapsone, Chloramphenicol, Nitrofurantoin, Nalidixic acid)
Antimalarials (Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, Primaquine, Quinine, Mepacrine)
Chemicals (Moth Balls, napthalene, Methylene blue)
Foods (Fava beans – also called broad beans)
Other drugs (Aspirin, Phenacitin, Sulphasalazine, Methyldopa, Large doses of vitamin C, Hydralazine, Procainamide, Quinidine, Some anti-cancer drugs)

Gall Bladder Stones

Gallstones are clumps of crystallized cholesterol or some pigments in the gallbladder. This condition is fairly common (affects 11% of general population) women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones. (Medical dictum for Gallstones is: It’s a disease of fat female of forty).
Gallbladder is a small sac situated just under the liver and it produces bile juice that is essential for proper digestion of fats. The bile juice mainly contains cholesterol, water, bile salts and a pigment called Bilirubin. When the proportion of these contents is altered in the bile juice, gallstones start forming.
Types of Gallstones:
There are two basic types of gallstones:
Cholesterol gallstones: Made up of cholesterol (accounting for about 80% of cases)
Pigment stones: Made up of the pigment Bilirubin
Factors contributing to development of gallstones
It’s twice as common in females as compared to males
People over age of 60 years are at higher risk
Fasting, diabetes, rapid weight loss can also lead to formation of gallstones in some cases
Many patients having gallstones may not have any complaint. However, some may experience pain in the upper abdomen radiating to the back. The pain may last up to 2-6 hours.

All the factors that form stone are present in the bile under normal circumstances; however, they are in a dissolved state. If there is increase in concentration of cholesterol or pigments, they crystallize and precipitate out as stones. Factors such as increasing age, pregnancy, obesity, liver disorders, infections can have impact on development of gallstones. Some studies suggest that genetics and heredity factors are at the root of this condition that makes one prone to have gallstones.
Suggestion about homeopathic treatment:
When the stones are of a smaller size, homeopathic medicines will help in possibly reduce the size of the stones. Homeopathy medicines are effective in alleviating pain as well as chronic inflammation of gallbladder (cholecystitis) associated with the condition. Homeopathy also helps to control further stone production activity. It the stones are bigger, multiple and impacted, it may require surgical intervention. In cases of Large and multiple stones, homeopathy has no curative role to play.
Homeopathic Remedies for gall bladder stones
Some of the common Homeopathic medicines for gall bladder stones include Calcaria carbonica, Chelidonium, Phosphorus, Lycopodium clavatum, Nux vomica, China sulphuricum, Berberis vulgaris, Thuja occidentalis.
Gall bladder stones are found normally among 20% of the females. Small stones in the gall bladder could be helped with homeopathy. Large stones are better treated by surgery.



Ganglion is a small sac filled with fluid and is formed from the lining of a joint or tendon. It usually forms when the tissues surrounding certain joints become inflamed and swell up with lubricating fluid.
It is generally caused due to some kind of trauma to the joint but the cause may not be evident in all cases. Ganglion formation is more common in women (M:F = 1:3) and 70% occur in the late teens and young adulthood. Some joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis have been associated with ganglion cysts. Occupational factors play an important role in the development of ganglion. Those occupations that require workers to overuse certain joints such as the wrist and fingers, for instance typewriters, pose a risk for ganglion cysts.
Most commonly, ganglion formation is seen on the wrist (usually the back side) and fingers, but it can also develop on the shoulders, elbows and knees. Ganglia are usually painless swellings that can form around any joint. However, the condition can become painful when the ganglion presses nerves. This pain can restrict the range of movements and activity of an individual. They can increase in size or can disappear spontaneously.
Suggestion about homeopathic treatment

Largely ganglion is labeled as a surgical condition; however, in light of homeopathy it can be termed as medico-surgical condition. Surgeries done for ganglion are associated with rare complications like nerve damage, stiffness of joints and recurrence. Some cases of ganglion have been treated with success at Life Force. However, since surgery is faster, we do not recommend homeopathy for all cases of ganglion.



Gastritis is defined as the inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. This may be caused due to various reasons and the condition has become rampant with today’s stressful and modernized life.
Any factor that injures the wall (protective lining) of stomach provokes the symptoms of gastritis. Common causes of Gastritis include:
Infection: Most commonly Bacterial H-Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) and occasionally due to Fungal, parasitic or viral infection
Drugs: NSAIDs, Steroids, Aspirin, etc
Excessive alcohol consumption
Backflow of bile into the stomach (Bile reflux)
Excess of spicy foods
The medical dictum is: Gastritis is the result of Hurry, Worry, Curry.

Gastritis usually causes pain and/or burning in the upper abdomen or burning pain in the chest region. There may be loss of appetite or a sensation of fullness after a few mouthfuls. Gastritis can also cause belching (burps), nausea, vomiting, etc. The condition is more commonly seen in middle aged and elderly people though the occurrence in youngsters is on the rise nowadays.

Homeopathy medicines for gastritis treatment are prescribed on the basis of presenting complaints while taking into account the physical, emotional and genetic make up that individualizes a person. This constitutional approach encompassing mind and body works at root-level. Hurry and Worry that are at the base of this disease are related to one’s nature and tendency, which can be tackled by a constitutional or individualized homeopathic treatment for gastritis. Homeopathy is very effective in managing all the acute as well as chronic expressions of gastritis; it also plays an important role in prevention of relapse of the condition.


Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders due to loss of cells which are present in the retina and affection of the optic nerve which is the nerve supplying the eye caused by raised pressure in the eye. Untreated Glaucoma can lead to permanent damage of the optic nerve and loss of visual field where a person cannot see beyond a particular angle. Glaucoma is the third most common cause of blindness worldwide.
It is usually without symptoms, hence it is important to go for regular eye check-ups after the age of forty years.
Symptoms can include patchy loss of peripheral vision, reduced clarity of colors, pain in or around the eyeball, nausea or vomiting and visual disturbances like halos around lights.
Risk Factors:
Family history
Diabetic Retinopathy
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Eye Trauma
Conventional Treatment:
Reducing the pressure in the eye by medical or surgical means is the way of treating glaucoma. Usually eye drops are prescribed for reduction of eye drops.
Homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathy can lower the progression of disease and in highly susceptible people can prevent the occurrence or prolong the onset of disease.


Gout is a form of arthritis which is caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints. In this condition, due to a metabolic dysfunction, there is deposition of uric acid in and around the joints causing severe painfulness, swelling and restricted mobility of the affected joint.
The underlying cause of gout is a disturbance in Purine metabolism of the body. Purine is a substance found plenty in the living cells as well as in many food articles. Uric acid is a body waste product, which is produced in the body after the breakdown of Purine. Under-excretion of uric acid through the kidneys and large intestines or excess formation of uric acid due to certain factors (such as alcohol, lack of physical activity, crash diet, meat, etc.) leads to accumulation of excess uric acid in the blood, eventually leading to Gout. The exact cause for the underexcretion remains unknown in many cases, and it is believed to be more genetically determined.

Gout is an intensely painful condition, which mostly affects only one joint (monoarthritis) at a time, most commonly the big toe. However, Gout may also affect elbows, knees, ankles, wrists or small joints of the hands and feet. The classic history in a patient suffering from Gout is of excruciating and sudden pain, swelling, redness, warmth and stiffness of the joint. Low-grade fever may also be present. The skin overlying the joint can also be swollen, tender and sore if it is touched even lightly. Patients with longstanding hyperuricemia (high levels of uric acid in blood) can have uric acid crystal deposits called tophi in other tissues as well, e.g. the helix of the ear.
Gout has four distinct stages:
Asymptomatic: High levels of Uric acid in blood but no joint complaints
Acute phase: Acute complaints described above occur for a brief period
Intercritical phase: There is no pain or swelling of joints in this phase, the patient is relatively symptom-free.
Chronic: Gout attacks may become frequent during this phase and the condition may affect many joints at a time (polyarticular). Tophi formation may also be seen.
Suggestion about homeopathic treatment
Having understood that Gout is caused by the constitutional factors, it calls for constitutional approach towards its treatment. The constitutional approach involves evaluation of the individual factors inclusive of one’s personal and family history (ascertaining the genetic tendency), while planning a long-term treatment.
Homeopathic approach to Gout treatment is more of a totalistic approach. Homeopathy helps in controlling the pain during the acute attack of gout as well as helps in preventing the recurrence of such episodes. It helps in reducing stiffness and improves the mobility of the joints. Homeopathy is very strongly suggested for the treatment of Gout.


Guillain Barre Syndrome

Guillain Barré Syndrome
Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute illness which is caused by inflammation of peripheral nerves leading to loss of sensation, muscle weakness and, in more serious cases, complete paralysis and breathing difficulty. In almost eighty per cent of children these symptoms follow a recent illness (usually viral). This infection is thought to trigger a faulty response in the immune system.
The disease varies in speed of onset with children reaching their maximal disability over a matter of days or, much more gradually over a period of up to four weeks. Initial symptoms consist of tingling, numbness, unsteadiness and progressive weakness usually affecting the feet and then the hands and gradually progressing up the limbs. At the height of their illness about a quarter of children remain able to walk but the other three quarters loose their mobility and about sixteen per cent need to be artificially ventilated on an intensive care unit.
The diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome is confirmed with a combination of lumbar puncture, where a high protein content is demonstrated in the cerebrospinal fluid and nerve conduction studies, which show slowing of nerve conduction in the nerve roots and/or peripheral nerves.
Recovery usually begins in two to three weeks and may be accompanied by pain and tingling in the limbs. Most children are able to walk unaided by six weeks and most are free from symptoms by about three months. Minorities of patients have some residual problems but these children are usually still able to walk unaided. The condition can occur at any age but there appear to be peak ages of onset in childhood at four years and twelve years. In general children make a much better recovery than adults.
In Guillain-Barré syndrome the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. Usually Guillain-Barré occurs a few days or weeks after the patient has had symptoms of a respiratory or gastrointestinal viral infection. The body’s immune system begins to attack the body itself, causing what is known as an autoimmune disease.
Currently, plasmapheresis and high-dose immunoglobulin therapy are used. Plasmapheresis seems to reduce the severity and duration of the Guillain-Barré episode. In high-dose immunoglobulin therapy, doctors give intravenous injections of the proteins that in small quantities, the immune system uses naturally to attack invading organism.
Axonal degeneration occurs, and recovery depends on axonal regeneration. In severe cases, recovery becomes much slower, and there is a greater degree of residual damage. Recent studies on the disease have demonstrated that approximately 80% of the patients have myline loss, whereas, in the remaining 20%, there is axon loss.
Role of homeopathy:
It has been clinically observed that homeopathy helps cases of GB Syndrome. It seems to help by correcting the altered immune system. The medicines are very effective in treating the residual symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Muscle weakness and power in the limbs can be corrected.
In the acute stage, in cases of danger of respiratory paralysis, allopathic medicines have an advantage, but for the residual neuro-muscular symptoms, Homeopathic medicines are highly effective and strongly recommended.


Gynecomastia is a condition where males have abnormally enlarged breasts, due to increased proliferation of breast tissues.
All men have both androgen and estrogen hormones, that is male and female hormones. When there is alteration in androgens and estrogens balance then it results in Gynecomastia.
Other causes of Gynecomastia:
Chemotherapy for cancer
Deficiency of testosterone
Marijuana use
Radiation treatment for testicles (leading to testosterone deficiency)
Chronic liver disease
Hormone treatment for testicular cancers
Chronic renal failure
Klinefelter’s syndrome
Unknown reasons
Certain medications can cause Gynecomastia. They interact with the natural levels of testosterone and estrogen, and upset the balance.

Hormones (androgens, anabolic steroids, estrogen agonists)
Anti-ulcer medications such as cimetidine
Antibiotics (isoniazid, ketoconazole, metronidazole)
Cardiovascular drugs, such as captopril and digitoxin
Cancer chemotherapeutics for prostrate cancer.
Psychoactive agents, such as diazepam and tricyclic antidepressants
Enlargement of male breast
Tenderness and sensitivity may be present
Physical examination
Past medical history
Mammogram in case of cancer suspicion
Social impact:
Gynecomastia may not be considered a serious medical condition, however, it has great impact on the mind of the person having it. Low self-esteem may lead to poor social networking, which may lead to some sort of anxiety and depression in some patients.
Treatment for Gynecomastia:
Treatment for Gynecomastia depends on the cause of the Gynecomastia. The underlying cause has to be taken into consideration for the treatment.
In pubertal cases, one should wait and watch as condition resolves by itself.
If it is drug induced, then offending medications should be stopped.
Surgery, for cosmetic reason and when there is pain and tenderness.
Counseling by an expert helps patients of Gynecomastia feel comfortable with themselves.
Homeopathic approach for Gynecomastia:
Homeopathy does not have any significant role to play in the cases of Gynecomastia. Homeopathy is not recommended.