Homeopathy has no Steroids
Fundamentally homoeopathic medicines are not steroids nor they contain steroids. Any committed qualified and knowledgeable homoeopath need not use steroids preparations with homoeopathic medicines. The safe and effective homoeopathic preparations in all dosage are effective in acute and chronic problems providing excellent result by way of catalyzing body’s immune response to fight against the disease condition or metabolic disorders. There is a misconception about homeopaths using steroids. The response to administration of steroids in a log of disease is unbelievably amazing and fast. This may lead to a thinking that any problem which responds quickly or positively to a prescription should be because of steroid! If a given case under homoeopathic prescription does unbelievably well responds in time less than anticipated, it is often blamed on steroid or a steroid like effect.
- Homoeopathic medicines are potentised and there is hardly any physiological dosage of drug substance. So how any potentised homoeopathic medicine can contain steroids.
- Homoeopathic Medicine are prepared strictly in a standardized manner by combining medicinal dilution with potentisation.
- Homoeopathic medicines when tested may give false positive reaction for steroids because of the presence of LACTOSE POWDER, which is often used as a vehicle for dispensing of Homoeopathic medicines.
- In fact it is to be admitted that steroids don’t cure all ailments but Homoeopathic Medicines have succeeded to harmlessly abolish various diseases without any side effects that steroids cause.
Difference Between Homeopathy Medicines and Steroids
- Homeopathic remedies are prepared as a series of dilutions. Homeopaths call this process "potentization". Dilution often continues until all of the original substance is gone. they can be prepared from animals, plants or minerals. The more dilution that takes place, the more powerful the remedy.
- A reaction sometimes takes just milliseconds but the purpose is toward the CURE.
- Symptoms never / rarely reappear.
- Zero/Minimal side effects (only when wrongly prescribes or with repeated doses)
- More then 3,000 remedies and growing
- A steroid is a type of organic compound that contains a specific arrangement of four rings that are joined to each other.
- They are chemically-prepared life saving drugs which are more concentrated and more powerful.
- Have instantaneous reactions but it is for a limited period and often used to save the life.
- After finishing the medicine, symptoms reappear immediately.
- Always have side effect with every dose
- Limited salts used.