Diseases Starting with A



Abscess is a localized infection on any part of the body or organ, whereby there is inflammation, swelling. pus formation and painfulness; with or without other signs of infection.

Causes of abscess:
Abscess is essentially caused by infection, largely bacterial infection. It can also be caused by parasiteinfection. An abscess may be caused or  by a foreign body or physical trauma or injury.

Why does one get an abscess?
Any abscess is a sign of body’s reaction to infection or trauma. It is a sign of body’s defense mechanism at work whereby an army of white blood cells start fighting against the infection or foreign body and lead to pus formation. In this process, there will be inflammation, swelling, painfulness and even fever.

Who gets frequent abscesses or boils?
A condition of frequent abscesses especially on the skin is a common phenomenon, suggesting underlying faulty immune system. In such cases, the underlying immunity calls for treatment besides addressing local infection as a stand alone problem.

Where does one get abscess?
Abscesses can occur on any part of the body or organ. Some of the common sites are: Skin, mouth, liver,lungs, bones, appendix, mouth, spine, nose, sinus, tonsils, etc. It depends on the individual tendency to catch infection; which in turn is governed by the genetic predisposition.
Symptoms of abscess:
The most common symptoms are pain, swelling, redness, pus formation, discharge, and fever. Also, depending on the site of an abscess, some symptoms may vary. For example, in case of abscess of brain, there will be neurological symptoms; and likewise. If the infection is severe and uncontrolled, there is a possibility of its spread to other parts of the body. Severer infection may lead to a serious condition called

Treatment of abscess:
Conventional treatment: Abscess due to bacterial infection respond to antibiotics. In case of un-ruptured pocket of pus, drainage may be required.

Role of homeopathy for abscess:
Acute abscess of recent origin can respond to homeopathic medicines; however, it may take little longer than antibiotics.
Homeopathy is best indicated in the cases of

1. Frequent abscesses

2. Prolonged (chronic) abscess

3.Resistant abscess.

In the above three categories, the formation of an abscess is surely a sign of altered underlying immunity,
which can be treated effectively using homeopathy.
Homeopathy is strongly indicated for recurring and resistant cases of abscesses. More reading: Case
studies of Recurrent boils


Acne or pimples is a common skin condition frequently seen in young individuals during teenage and youth years. This occurs mainly due to the action of hormones on the oil glands in the skin. The draining ducts of the oil glands get blocked and hence they are not able to drain the oil secretion. The oil and cells inside the blocked gland form a perfect environment for the growth of Propionibacterium acnes (the organism responsible for acne). Thus, it results in the formation of pimples or acne.
Acne usually occurs on the face, chest, back, shoulders and neck. It is one of the most common skin conditions. Although acne is not a serious threat to the health, yet it can lead to scarring and disfigurement of the face that can have a significant impact on the patient.
Various Forms of Acne may present itself in various forms and these are as follows:

  • Whiteheads and blackheads (Comedones): White or black tiny bumps on the skin which are nothing but the enlarged and plugged hair follicles.
  • Papules: Inflamed lesions that usually appear as small, pink bumps on the skin and can be tender to the touch.
  • Pustules (pimples): Pus-filled lesions that may be red at the base
  • Nodules: Large, painful, solid lesions that are lodged deep within the skin
  • Lesions that can cause scarring

Types of Acne

Following are the commonly recognized types of Acne:

Acne vulgaris
Acne rosacea
Acne conglobata
Acne cosmetica
Acne fulminans
Acne medicamentosa
Acne keloidalis nuchae

Causes of Acne:
One of the most important causes is the increase in the male hormones (androgens) that occurs in boys as well as girls during puberty. These hormones cause an increased production of sebum (oil) and hence result in acne.
Hormonal changes related to pregnancy or such changes caused by starting or stopping birth control pills can also cause acne. Another factor is heredity or genetics; there is evidence to support the fact that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. Apart from this certain drugs, including androgens and lithium, are also known to cause acne. Greasy cosmetics may cause further plugging of the follicles in the skin and hence can precipitate the onset of acne. Majority of people who develop acne are between the ages of 12 and 25. For most people, acne tends to go away by the time they reach their thirties; however, some people in their forties and fifties continue to have this skin problem.

Homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathic treatment for Acne is strongly suggested. It helps in the following ways:
Controls the tendency to have acne (often genetic, in severe cases)
Addresses underlying hormonal disturbance which gives one a proneness to have acne
Reduces excessive oiliness of skin
Reduces acne directly
Controls infection
Controls scar formation
Reduces hyperpignementation following acne
Controls tendency to scar formation following acne

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne
Acne is a dynamic conditions triggered by multiple factors such as hormones, food, climate, irregular lifestyle and stress. The homeopathic medicines for acne or pimples are chosen on the basis of the underlying causes and factors which lead to or increases acne. There are about 20 most common medicines to choose from, for acne.
Calcaria Sulphuricum: This medicine is often indicated for those who have a tendency to get pus formation on acne. The person may be less tolerance to heat as compared to cold. The acne may be large, inflamed, red, and painful with tendency to get scars. It is one of the twelve tissue remedies used in homeopathy as well as in biochemistry.
Silica: A wonder drug sourced from sand, the metal Silica (Si) which works on the immune system, hormone in such a way that the tendency to get acne with pus formation, reduces after some doses of this medicine. The person tends to be sensitive to cold air, breeze and cold water. Usually, lean and thin physical structure, sharp mind but shy attitude, intelligent but less confident. Somewhat strong headed in his or her belief system.
Dulcamara: This medicine from plant kingdom works for acne and the marks left thereafter. Face may be full of acne and also with some allergic rash. When acne increases with change of climate from dry to humid, you have to remember Dulcamara.
Natrum Muriaticum: This homeopathic medicine, sourced from NaCl, simple salt, processed homeopathically through potentization, works as a remedy for many cases of acne. Hormonal disturbances such as PCOD or menstrual irregularities associated with or leading to acne may call for study of Natrum Muriaticum. The face may be oily, a bit hairy, hypertrophied acne, ugly scars, in young girls and boys, may benefit from this medicine. The personality that matches with this medicine is one that is self-centred, reserved, brooding over past issues, inability to forget and forgive; kind hearted yet somewhat egoist, less expressive with emotions, etc.

Acne Rosacea

  • Introduction

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition involving inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, or eyelids. It may appear as redness, prominent spider-like blood vessels, swelling, or skin eruptions similar to acne. However, acne rosacea is not same as teen-agers acne.


It is believe that Rosacea is a disorder where the blood vessels become damaged when repeatedly dilated by stimuli. Triggers that cause Acne Rosacea
Exposure to extreme temperature.
Vigorous exercise.
Emotional factors (anger, fear, anxiety, embarrassment etc.)
Sun exposure.
Severe sunburn.
Cold air.
Change of weather and temperature.
Some foods and drinks that can trig the condition include alcohol, foods high in histamine like yoghurt, cheese, red wine etc. and spicy food.
Certain medications (Vasodilator pills include blood pressure medications like nitrates, calcium channel blockers, and thiazide diuretics)
Certain topical treatment for acne like microdermabrasion and chemical peels

Symptoms of Acne Rosacea

  • Redness of the face in localized areas or covering the entire face.
  • A tendency to flush or blush easily.
  • A burning or stinging sensation of the face.
  • Increased number of spider-like blood vessels (telangiectasia) of the face
  • Rhinophyma (red, bulbous nose)
  • Pimple like skin eruptions.
  • Watery eyes with redness

Complications of Acne Rosacea

  • Psychological stress.
  • Lack of confidence
  • Social isolation.
  • Permanent changes in appearance (for example, a bulbous nose)
  • Tips to avoid acute flare ups
  • Exposure to sun and to extreme temperatures should be limited as much as possible.
  • Smoking, spicy foods, hot drinks, and alcohol may cause flushing and should be avoided.
  • Red wine and chocolate are two well known Rosacea triggers.
  • Try to reduce stress.
  • Try deep breathing, yoga, or other relaxation methods.

Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathy is strongly recommended in Acne Rosacea. It helps in following ways:
Reduces the redness.
Reduces the hypersensitivity towards stimuli.
Controls underlying factors.


ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a developmental and behavioral disorder in which a child or an adult consistently displays certain characteristic behaviors such as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive attitude.There was a time when children with ADHD were abused to be naughty and dumb. However, now it is understood that they call for special attention by parents, family members, teachers as well as the society.ADHD is one of the most common disorders among children (3-5%) and often continues into adolescence and adulthood. It is more common in boys as compared to girls, the ratio being approximately 3:1.

Children suffering from ADHD act without thinking, are hyperactive and have trouble focusing on anything in particular. Their attention easily gets deviated and in spite of understanding what is expected from them, they are unable to focus on a particular thing. Such behavior is common amongst normal children also but the difference is that children with ADHD have these features persisting for long and they impair a child’s ability to function socially, academically, and at home. Short term memory loss is one of the symptoms of ADHD. Estimated half of the children outgrow hyperactive behavior when they grow into adulthood. However, almost half of the ADHD children continue exhibiting the symptoms throughout life.

Causes of ADHD:
ADHD has causes that have not been fully understood as yet and researchers are still exploring genetic linkage. It has been seen in many cases that children with ADHD often have some family member suffering from this disorder. Certain areas of the brain have been found to be comparatively smaller in children with ADHD as well some chemical changes in the brain have been detected.
Some other risk factors for developing ADHD include:
Premature delivery, very low birth weight, birth injury (to the brain) and smoking during pregnancy.

ADHD in adults
It is not that only kids can have ADHD. Adults, too, can continue showing ADHD traits started in childhood. However, one cannot have ADHD starting from adulthood. Some of the signs and symptoms of ADHD in adults are as under:
Hyperactiveity at work place
An inability to get organized at work. Careless, untidy, etc.
Temptation to keep changing work, job, business, etc. Inability to pay attention to one work, task or project for adequate time
Fast or rash driving. Ignoring and breaking signals
Broken relationships with parents, friends, spouse, and neighbors.

Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD:
Homeopathy is very strongly recommended for ADHD. Documented cases at Life Force as well as by other centers have suggested definite role of homeopathy towards the treatment of ADHD.
Homeopathy is very effective in reducing the hyperactivity and impulsiveness. It helps improve attention span and concentration.
Homeopathy is safe. Improvement is observed in cases of ADHD within about two to three months of medication, in most cases. The entire treatment may required to be extended for over an year.


Allergy is nothing but an exaggerated response of the body to certain external or internal agents, whereby body reacts in the form of symptoms such as itching, running of the nose, wheeze, inflammation, swelling, skin rash, etc. All the symptoms as above are simply expressions of an allergic process.
One may be allergic to anything under the sun, inclusive of the sun, as they say.

All kind of allergic disorders find excellent treatment with homeopathy. For a long time allergic conditions have been considered incurable merely due to the ignorance about the amazing benefits of homeopathy. Respiratory allergy, asthma, skin allergy, pollen allergy, frequent colds, childhood asthma, etc. just to name a few, are treated with tremendous success with well planned homeopathic treatment.
Suggestion about homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathic treatment is very strongly recommended for all sorts of allergic disorders.


Mother Nature has blessed mankind amongst all the entities on the earth with an extraordinary quality of logical and rational thinking. The storehouse of immense knowledge, ‘BRAIN’ is the source of this exceptional attribute. Unfortunately, the entire system of an individual becomes handicapped as the same brain starts deteriorating. The major culprit who is involved in the deterioration of brain is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating disease of brain that robs the afflicted individual of intelligence, memory and eventually life.

As many as 2-4 % of all people of 65 years of age and older have Alzheimer’s. As many as 20 % (or more) of population over 85 years age have the AD. Alzheimer’s disease (pronounced AHLZ-hi-merz) is one of several disorders that cause the gradual loss of brain cells. The disease was first described in 1906 by German physician Dr. Alois Alzheimer. However, Alzheimer’s disease did exist long before the birth of Dr. Alzheimer. The research has shown that Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia; in fact 70% of dementias are due to Alzheimer’s disease.

Dementia is an umbrella term for several symptoms related to a decline in thinking skills and progressive deterioration of brain performance. Common symptoms include a gradual loss of memory, problems with reasoning or judgment, disorientation, difficulty in learning, loss of language skills, etc. People with dementia also experience changes in their personalities and behavioral problems. The cumulative effect of all these changes becomes distressing both to the individual and their families. It should be stressed that Alzheimer’s disease knows no social, economic, ethnic or geographical boundaries; eventually those affected are unable to care for themselves and need help with all aspects of daily life. The magnitude of this disease is huge, there are estimated to be 17-25 million people worldwide with Alzheimer’s disease.

What happens to brain in Alzheimer’ disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by progressive death of brain cells. This results from two abnormal structures in the brain: Amyloid plaques (pronounced AM i loyd, which are clumps of protein fragments that accumulate outside of cells and Neurofibrillary tangles (pronounced NUR o FI bri lair ee), which are clumps of altered proteins inside cells.

Why these changes develop in the brain?

Research about these structures has provided clues about why nerve cells die, but scientists have not determined exactly why these changes develop. In short, no one yet knows exactly what causes Alzheimer’s disease. Most researchers agree that the cause may be a complex set of factors. Though Alzheimer’s disease affects individuals in 40s and 50s, studies have shown that the greatest known risk for developing Alzheimer’s is increasing age. As many as 2-4 % of all people of 65 years of age and older have Alzheimer’s. As many as 20 % (or more) of population over 85 years age have the AD. A family history of the disease is another known risk. Having a parent or sibling with the disease increases an individual’s chances of developing Alzheimer’s. Many mysterious diseases have provided interesting clues through genetic studies. Scientists have identified certain genes, which are very strongly related to Alzheimer’s.

Other factors:
Many diverse medical theories, including the biochemistry of acetylcholine and neurotransmitters, inflammation, oxidative stress and free radicals, and homocysteine, nutritional and vitamin deficiencies, as probable causes of Alzheimer’s disease has been put forth. A wide array of risk factors for Alzheimer’s include, disorders of blood circulation, hormonal imbalance, head trauma, emotional stress, alcohol abuse, metabolic defects, nutritional deficiencies, and even some infections.

How Alzheimer’s presents:
Declining memory is the most common early symptom of Alzheimer’s. Some change in memory is normal as we grow older, but the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are more than simple lapses in memory. People with Alzheimer’s experience difficulties communicating, learning, thinking, and reasoning – problems severe enough to have an impact on an individual’s work, social activities, and family life.

While it’s normal to forget appointments, names, or telephone numbers, once in a while, those with Alzheimer’s will forget such things more often and not remember them later. In addition, People with ordinary forgetfulness can still remember other facts associated with the thing they have forgotten. For example they may briefly forget their next-door neighbor’s name but they still know the person they are talking to is their next-door neighbor. A person with dementia will not only forget their neighbor’s name but also the context.

Individuals with AD begin to misplace everyday items, such as the car keys or eyeglasses, and become disoriented and get lost in familiar surroundings (such as when driving on well-known streets). With Alzheimer individual find difficult to perform even familiar tasks and may forget the steps for preparing a meal, using a household appliance, or in what order to put clothes on.

A person with Alzheimer’s disease often forgets simple words or substitutes unusual words, making his or her speech or writing hard to understand. Individuals with Alzheimer’s often show poor judgment about money, and mathematics.

People’s personalities ordinarily change somewhat with age. But a person with Alzheimer’s disease can change a lot, becoming extremely confused, suspicious, fearful, or dependent on a family member. An Alzheimer’s may become unusually emotional and experience rapid mood swings for no apparent reason. Alternatively a person with Alzheimer’s may show less emotion than was usual previously. In addition, they may experience delusions (believing in a reality that does not exist), and hallucinations (seeing things that do not exist).

In the terminal phase, Alzheimer patient enters in a world where he can recognize nothing… neither family members and friends, nor himself.
How the disease progresses: Alzheimer’s disease advances at widely different rates. The duration of the illness may often vary from 3 to 20 years. Eventually, the person with Alzheimer’s will need complete care. If the individual has no other serious illness, the loss of brain function itself may cause death.

How the condition is diagnosed:
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is an important step in getting appropriate treatment, care, and support services. There is no one diagnostic test that can detect if a person has Alzheimer’s disease, but the process involves several kinds of tests and may take more than one day to complete the evaluation. Evaluations may include the following steps:

  • A medical history, which collects information about current mental or physical conditions, prescription and nonprescription drug use, and family health history
  • A mental status evaluation to assess sense of time and place; ability to remember, understand, and communicate; and ability to do simple math problems
  • A physical examination, which includes the evaluation of the person’s nutritional status, blood pressure, sensations, balance, and other functions of nervous system
  • Investigations like a brain scan like CT and MRI to detect other causes of dementia such as stroke and laboratory tests, such as blood and urine tests, for checking various components of blood, hormones, enzymes, infections, etc.


Alzheimer’s disease is difficult disorder. Homeopathy system offers reasonably positive treatment if not cure.When we discuss the role of medicine for certain diseases, we probably do not talk of the ‘cure’ in real sense, but more of ‘control’ and ‘relief’. AD is one such condition, where homeopathy has following role to play:

To control the disease process whereby further deterioration of the brain damage is helped to certain extent

To improve to an extent some of the symptoms: communication, failing memory, anxiety, restlessness, etc.

Many of the problems associated with dementia such as restlessness, depression, and agitation can be treated effectively and gently with homeopathy. It may also be possible, especially in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, to improve someone’s memory with homeopathic medication. Timely administered homeopathy medicines can prevent further progress of disease.

Homeopathy is over 207 years old medicine originated in Germany. Homeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science and a system of medicine, which is gentle, effective, and devoid of any side effects.

The homeopathic remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body’s own healing power.

Homeopathy is one such branch of therapeutics, which believes in treating the patient who is diseased and not merely diseased parts of the patients. This holistic approach goes in a long way in the management of various chronic and deep-seated diseases, including Alzheimer’s.

It goes without saying that every person is unique and dementia affects people differently – no two people will follow exactly the same course. Hence, an approach to dementia care, which recognizes the personal history, character and individuality of the person with Alzheimer’s, has been shown to have a positive impact on the progress of the disease.

Homeopathy undertakes study of each Alzheimer’s as separate entity and does in-depth evaluation of the disease as well as patient as person. It means, the physician has to understand the patient and his/her problems more deeply, with regards to its symptoms, its diagnosis as well as its probable genetic background. The study also involves deep evaluation of the mind and emotions. After appreciating the patients in his totality, a suitable medicine called as ‘constitutional medicine’ is selected for the patient. The medication based on such foundation brings deeper level healing process for the sufferers of chronic diseases.

We, at Life Force, have some experience in treating AD; and the experience has suggested that some definite improvement takes place with regards to memory.
It should be noted that there is no single specific remedy for all the cases of Alzheimer’s. The exact treatment is determined only on in-depth evaluation of individual case.

Aplastic Anemia

Aplastic anemia is a rare (5-10 cases per million), serious condition where the bone marrow fails to produce white cells, red cells and the platelets. Aplastic anemia is observed in children as well as in adults.
The term Aplastic comes from the word aplasia that means failure of generation or formation. Anemia means deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood.
The spongy material inside the bones is called as bone marrow and is like a factory that produces blood cells (red cells, white cells and platelets). In case of Aplastic anemia bone marrow fails to form or develop blood cells.

The red cells in the blood carry oxygen from the lungs to all areas of the body. In Aplastic anemia with less number of red cells, body parts do not get sufficient oxygen that is absolutely essential for their functioning.
White cells fight infection by attacking and destroying germs and their less number in Aplastic anemia leads to poor defense mechanism making the suffering individual prone to various and at times lethal infections.
Platelets are blood cells that control bleeding by forming blood clots in areas of injury. Reduced platelets lead to blood clotting disorder, whereby blood does not clot naturally, leading to uncontrolled bleeding.


Appendicitis is a common medico-surgical condition. Appendicitis is nothing but an inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a small pouch attached to the beginning of the large intestine in the right lower part of the abdomen. Function of appendix is still not understood; but it is largely considered to be almost a useless body organ. It is one of the most common causes of emergency abdominal surgery in order to avoid rupture of the appendix into the abdomen.

Types of appendicitis:
This can be categorized as under:

  • Acute appendicitis: This appears suddenly, and runs a short course, calling for urgent attention and treatment; mostly surgical treatment.
  • Chronic appendicitis: As the name suggests, it is a long standing inflammation of the appendix.

Recurring appendicitis: Appendix, if not removed, may have a tendency to get inflamed and infected, again and again.

Chronic appendicitis
It is a sequel of acute appendicitis. In some patients the symptoms of appendicitis, are less intense and continue for a long duration, they may be continuous or intermittent. They may present as pain in the abdomen, which will be bothersome but not incapacitating. The person may experience pain and abdominal discomfort in the right iliac fossa.A partial obstruction of the appendix and milder bacterial infection are generally responsible. They may settle down with a course of antibiotics, but resurface again. This also indicates a lowered immune system.

Causes of appendicitis:
It usually occurs when the appendix becomes blocked by hard faecal (stool) matter, undigested food, a foreign body or rarely a tumor. When the appendix is blocked, it becomes inflamed due to swelling and ulceration of mucous membrane lining and results in a condition termed appendicitis. If the blockage continues, the inflamed tissue becomes infected with bacteria and begins to die from a lack of blood supply, which finally results in the rupture of the appendix (perforated or ruptured appendix).
Infection in the gut or other parts of body may also inflame the appendix and cause appendicitis.
It can affect any age group, more common age group is15-45.

Symptoms of appendicitis:
Pain in lower abdomen to start with.
Pain begins in the middle of the abdomen “belly button” (umbilicus).
Pain slowly moves in the next 24 hours to the right lower abdomen (toward the right iliac fossa).
Pain is unlike any pain felt before.
Pain is worse on motion, taking deep breath, coughing and sneezing.
Loss of appetite.
Constipation or diarrhea.
Inability to pass gas.
Low grade fever.
Feeling that passing stool will relieve discomfort.
Abdominal swelling.

Similar conditions:
Other conditions that cause abdominal pain may have symptoms similar to the symptoms of appendicitis:

Diagnosis of appendicitis:
Diagnosis can be made clinically by history of symptoms given by patient and by the presence of the following signs on examining the patient.

On examination, doctor can elicit tenderness in the right iliac fossa.
There can be rebound tenderness; it is the pain that is worse when the doctor quickly releases his or her hand after gently pressing the area of tenderness on the abdomen.
Rectal examination
May disclose tenderness in the right side of pelvis.

Blood Count: may reveal leycocytosis. i.e. raised WBC count. X-rays- An x-ray can rule out signs of obstruction or perforation of the GUT as cause of pain. In rare cases, an appendicolith, which is hardened stool in the appendix, may be found and seen on the X-ray. Ultrasound- An ultrasound may show appendiceal inflammation. CT scan- The most common and reliable imaging test that is used to diagnose appendicitis is currently the CT scan. The CT scan is excellent if there is doubt regarding the nature of the pain as it can identify other common causes of pain in that region like -stone in the ureter, gall-stones, ruptured tubal pregnancy. In appendicitis it shows the inflamed appendix quite clearly.

A diet high in fiber and low in sugar is advisable to prevent constipation.

Conventional Treatment:
Appendectomy (surgical removal of appendix)

Homeopathic Management:
Homeopathy is indicated in the first day or the second day, in the early stage. Homoeopathy may help some cases. However, acute appendicitis may turn out to be a surgical condition, where homeopathy may not work. Acute appendicitis can be best managed under proper supervision of a surgeon.
Homeopathy is indicated for the treatment of chronic and recurrent appendicitis. The medicines help for complete recovery and strengthen the immunity. Every case of appendicitis needs professional evaluation by an experienced homeopathic physician before deciding if it is suitable for surgery or homeopathy.
Kidney stones.
Urinary tract infections.
Gall stones.
Ovarian or testicular problem.


Ataxia is more of a symptom rather than a disease. Ataxia in Greek means “out of order” or “loss of balance”. Ataxia is a common neurological symptom which makes patient feels insecure due loss of control while doing day-to-day activities.

Ataxia is lack of muscle coordination due to the small brain’s (cerebellum) failure to regulate the body’s posture, regulate its strength and direct the limb movements, thus resulting into wobbliness or clumsiness.

Ataxia may affect the fingers and hands, the extremities, the entire body, speech or even the eye movements.

A person with a long-standing ataxia may have damaged a part of the brain (cerebellum) that controls muscle coordination.


Hereditary ataxia is rare. In case of Hereditary ataxia, more than one family member may suffer with the same disease of ataxia.

Acute ataxia can be a relatively common complication of conditions such as a stroke, encephalitis (infection of the brain), or multiple sclerosis.

Men and women both are equally affected.

Types of Ataxia

There are three major types of ataxia, which also includes causes based on the area of brain, spine or ears affected.

Cerebellar ataxia: There is an affection of the cerebellum, where, depending on the exact area affected, one experiences different symptoms of imbalance.

Sensory Ataxia: There is a loss of perception about body parts, due to affection of the dorsal column of spinal cord.

Vestibular Ataxia: This results from an impairment of inner ear, which forms what is called as vestibular system, responsible for maintaing balance. Vertigo is a prominent symptom in case of vestibular ataxia.

Ataxia can be broadly classified in two types:

Hereditary ataxia: Here, the symptoms develop slowly, over many years and are caused by underlying problems with the genes.

Acute Ataxia:The symptoms develop suddenly, due to a trauma, injury, or a health condition such as a stroke.


Causes of Balance Loss:

Ataxia can be caused by any of the following reasons:

Genetic fault inherited from either of the parents or both.

Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Thyroid hormone deficiency (Hypothyroid or under active thyroid) This can be checked by a simple blood test of T4, T4, TSH.

Brain surgery

Gluten allergy

Brain tumor

Alcohol abuse

After effect of radiation overdose

Drug abuse: Adverse effects of Cannabis, alcohol, anti-epileptic medicines, some tranquilizers (benzodiazepines)

Infections, like chicken pox (they usually disappear after infection is cured)

Head injury

Exposure to toxic chemicals

Multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and other neurological conditions

Malformation of the cerebellum while the baby is still a foetus


Loss of Balance (Ataxia) Symptoms:

Ataxia can cause a wide range of symptoms suggesting loss of balance, such as:

Loss of balance while getting up, walking

Sense of giddiness or vertigo

Difficulty in walking

Difficulty in speaking

Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)

Difficulty in performing tasks that require a high degree of physical control, such as writing, eating etc.


Diagnosis of Ataxia:

In some of the cases, the cause remains unknown. MRI or a CT scan is advised to rule out any brain damage. Blood tests – some types of ataxia are an effect due to the make up of blood. Urine tests – urinalysis may suggest specific systemic abnormalities that are linked to some forms of ataxia. 24-hour urine is advised if wilson’s disease is suspected. Genetic tests are conducted to determine whether the patient has inherited the symptom of ataxia (Hereditary Ataxia).


Treatment for Ataxia:

Treatment for acute ataxia will depend on the underlying cause. For example, ataxia that is caused by an infection will often resolve once the infection has be treated.

Medication – Some patients with ataxia telangiectasia are prescribed gamma-globulin injections.

Auxillary modes of treatment are :

Occupational therapy


Speech therapy

Orthopedic care

Supplements and Nutrition


Homeopathic Treatment for Ataxia

Homeopathic treatment has been found to be effective in treating various forms of ataxia. Depending on the underlying cause and nature of impairment, one can decide the prognosis with homeopathy. All in all, homeopathy can offer significant results in most cases of ataxia where there are reversible or functional changes. In the cases of chronic ataxia such as hereditary ataxia, homeopathy can work on controlling the further damage and deterioration. In such cases, homeopathy could give partial and symptomatic relief. It cannot be said that homeopathy can cure or reverse chronic (long standing) ataxia. It must be noted that even a good control that homeopathy offers, is considered significant if achieved.

Homeopathic medicines help improves muscle coordination, dysphagia and uncontrollable eye movements. Some of the commonly indicated medicines, based on the cause of ataxia, can be listed here: Agaricus, Gelsemium, Conium, Alumina, Belladona, Causticum, Pulsatilla, etc.


Atherosclerosis is a condition in which there is a deposition of fat on the inner lining of arteries. Arteries are blood vessels carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body.
Advanced atherosclerosis leads to build up of cholesterol and calcium on the fatty layer. This leads to hardening of the artery and narrowing of the arterial diameter leading to decreased blood supply to the organ that the artery is supplying.

It can be classified into modifiable factors and non-modifiable factors.
01 Modifiable factors:
Atherosclerosis is a lifestyle disorder .Smoking, unhealthy highly fatty and cholesterol laden food is the cause. Like non-vegetarian food, ice-creams, sweets, lack of exercise and physical activity can cause dyslipidaemia which causes raised low density lipo-protein which is the bad lipoprotein and low level high density lipo-protein (the good lipo-protein) in the blood. Herpes virus and cytomegalovirus is associated with atherosclerosis. Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension can make one more prone to atherosclerosis.
Obesity, short sleep duration, hyperthyroidism, elevated uric acid levels, elevated serum Homocysteine levels, elevated uric acid levels, elevated levels of C reactive protein in blood, stress or clinical depression, Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
02 Non-modifiable factors:
Aging and family history play a major role in the development of disease. Asians and males are more prone to the disease.

The disease remains asymptomatic for a long time till the plaque causes severe distortion of the artery and compromises blood supply to the organ concerned. This can lead to heart attack, paralysis, claudication which is reduced blood supply to the extremities or even death.

Research has proven that consumption of omega-3 oils from fatty fish or plant oils such as flax or canola oils, exercising and losing weight, stopping smoking, reducing stress have been proved to decrease the incidence of the disease in majority of the cases.

Homeopathy has great scope in the treatment of atherosclerosis.It can arrest the progress of the disease and prevent untoward happenings like heart attack,paralysis ,reduced blood supply to extremities which is known as claudication and death.



Autism is a complex neurological disorder detected in children in their initial three years of life, which is result of impaired functioning of the brain, expressing itself in the form of inability for social and communication skills, impaired intellectual faculty and hence affecting the developmental of the child. The exact cause behind autism is not yet fully understood.

Estimated 1.5 million American children and adults, over 1.7 million children in India and about 0.2% of the world population is affected by this disorder, affecting all races almost equally.

Causes of Autism:

There are structural and functional changes in the brain in the patients with autism. However, the exact cause for these changes are not fully understood.

Some of the triggering factors considered responsible for Autism are:

Genetic predisposition

Exposure to environmental chemicals

Intake of some drugs, medicines during pregnancy

Metabolic imbalance



Symptoms of autism:

Autism can present with a wide spectrum of symptoms, also in varied severity, mild, moderate to severe. The symptoms may present in different combinations. The major symptoms relate with:

Marked deficits in communication and social interaction

Language impairment

Preoccupation with fantasy

Abnormal behavior, such as repetitive acts and excessive possessiveness to certain objects such as car, doll, keys

Intellectual impairment

The common end symptoms could be some or many of the following:

Annoying obstinacy in behavior

Poor verbal expression, uses gesture to point out for his needs

Repeating words or phrases

Laughing, crying without apparent cause

Prefers solitude

Throws Tantrums

Difficulty in social interaction with his age or elders

No eye contact while communication

Unresponsive teaching

Failure to perceive fears of danger, leading to jumping from high place, playing with pointed objects

Physical hyper-activity or under-activity

Underdeveloped fine motor skills

Not responsive to verbal instructions with normal hearing

Spinning objects

Inappropriate possessiveness to objects

Over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain

Screaming and shouting out of proportion

Repeats the same words (echolalia)

It may be noted that autism affects the developmental of the intellectual faculties. The autistic children are able to express love and affection and also can respond to love.


Diagnosis of Autism:

There are no laboratory tests for autism. The diagnosis is arrived at by clinical evaluation and a detail developmental case history of the child. Psychological evaluation may be carried out by a professional with expertise in handing such cases. There are several Autism screening tests to conclude the diagnosis.

Diet for Autism

The theory is that some people with autism cannot properly digest gluten and casein, which form substances that act like opiates in their bodies. This “drug” substance alters the person’s behavior, perceptions, and responses to his environment, according to this theory. Research in the U.S. and Europe has found substances with opiate activity in the urine of a significant number of children with autism.

Some parents, doctors and researchers say that children have shown mild to dramatic improvements in speech and/or behavior after a gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet.

Gluten and gluten-like proteins are found in wheat and other grains, including oats, rye, barley, bulgar, durum, kamut and spelt, and foods made from those grains. They are also found in food starches, se molina, couscous, malt, some vinegars, soy sauce, flavorings, artificial colors and hydrolyzed vegetable proteins.

Casein is a protein found in milk and products containing milk, such as cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, whey and even some brands of margarine. It also may be added to non-milk products such as soy cheese and hot dogs in the form of caseinate.

Foods that CAN be eaten on a gluten-free, casein-free diet include rice, quinoa, amaranth, potato, buckwheat flour, soy, corn, fruits, vegetables, beans, tapioca, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, teff, nuts, eggs, and sorghum, among others.

Homeopathic Treatment of Autism:

The homeopathic approach to handling chronic disorders being totalistic and aiming at treating the genetic tendencies with a well strategic management, offers effective treatment for autism and related disorders.

The homeopathic case evaluation of the child with autism incorporates the detail study of the family history of serious diseases, which are known to form the genetic ground for autism. The case analysis also takes into account impaired functions in terms of behavior, social skills, communication, speech, tantrums, etc.

The commonly homeopathic medicines indicated for autism are about twenty in number. The exact medicine, its combination with other support medicines, its dose and repetition depend on the case history. The medicines are essentially safe and absolutely non-toxic.

In our study at our center, we have observed encouraging results in autism children when treated with homeopathy for over six months. The treatment may require to be continued for over one year, depending on the severity of the presentation. The homeopathic medicines can be combined with other traditional measures.