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H Pylori | Hematuria | Hemophilia | Hepatitis A | Hepatitis B | Herpes | Herpes Zoster | Hot Flashes | Hypertension | Hyperthyroidism

H Pylori

What is H.Pylori?
The meaning of H.Pylori is Helicobacter Pylori. These are the kind of bacteria which are most commonly found to be affecting the gastrointestinal tract of the human being. They are responsible for causing peptic ulcer as well as stomach cancer.
Symptoms of H.Pylori infection:
The patient complains of gnawing, burning and twitching pain in stomach especially when he is fasting, or he may experience pain typically 2 or 3 hours after eating food. Usually, the patient wakes up at night with pain. He takes small quantity of food like biscuits or cold milk. Eating food in small quantity relieves the pain and again patient goes to sleep. This is the most characteristic symptom described by the patients affected with H. Pylori infection.

Other symptoms include
Sometimes, patient complains of passing black colored stools or vomiting of blood or coffee ground vomitus.
Loss of appetite
Loss of weight
This is an alarming symptom. It is a sign of emergency and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient.
Causes of infection with H. Pylori:
The exact cause of H.Pylori infection is unknown. But it is found that the spread of infection takes place via feco-oral route. This means contaminated water, food and lack of personal hygiene like not washing hands properly with soap and water after using bathroom leads to infection with H.pylori.
Diagnosis of H.Pylori infection:
Following tests are done for the diagnosis of H.Pylori infection.
Endoscopy: A long, thin, flexible tube with camera at one end is passed through the mouth of the patient. It is passed down further through stomach and upper part of duodenum. Through the camera doctor can detect any ulcer or erosion in the stomach or other parts of the G. I. tract.
Urea breath test: This is done to check whether any gas is produced by the bacteria present in the body.
Barium X-ray: In this test patients are made to drink a special chalky liquid. And then the X-rays are taken. The chalky liquid helps in detecting the presence of ulcer on esophagus, duodenum or stomach.
Blood test: This helps in detecting antibodies against H.pylori infection.
Stool test: This shows presence of occult blood and evidence of infection.
Treatment of H.Pylori:
Conventionally, the infection with H.Pylori is treated symptomatically by prescribing antacids, painkillers, and antibiotics to the patient. When the patient gives history of bloody or coffee colored vomiting or passing tarry or black stools, then patient has to be admitted to the hospital. This is the sign that the patient requires a close medical attention.
Treatment of H.Pylori with homeopathy:
Homeopathic medicines are found to be very useful in treating the cases of H. Pylori infections. They act by improving the digestion and reduce fatigue in patients. When the treatment is started in the early stage, small ulcers and erosions can be healed with the help of homeopathic medicines. Medicines like Phosphorous, Calcarea Carbonica, and Nitric Acid etc. are found to be helpful in the treatment of H. Pylori infection.


Hematuria means presence of blood in the urine. Due to presence of blood in the urine, the color of the urine becomes reddish, brownish or cola colored
Types of hematuria:
Hematuria is divided into two types.
Gross hematuria: When there is the presence of frank blood in the urine, it can be seen with the naked eye. This is called as gross hematuria.
Microscopic hematuria: This kind of hematuria is characterized by presence of RBC (red blood cells) in the urine. But RBCs are seen only when the urine is examined under the microscope. The color of the urine does not change and the patient cannot see blood on naked eye.
Symptoms of hematuria:
Most of the time there are no symptoms of hematuria in the patient. It is painless. But, when the patient passes blood clots in the urine, the patient of hematuria may complain of pain.

Causes of hematuria:
The most common causes of hematuria are infection of urinary tract (UTI), vigorous exercises, menstruation in females and trauma. The other important causes of hematuria include the followings.
Presence of calculus (stone) in the kidney, ureter or bladder When the stone passes down, it can cause hematuria.
Inflammation of kidney, urethra, bladder or prostate gland
Polycystic kidney disease.
Systemic Lupus Erethematosus (SLE)
Taking medicines like Aspirin, NSAIDS (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs), and blood thinners like heparin and drugs like cyclophosphamide can cause hematuria.
Cancer of kidney or bladder.
Idiopathic (that it, unknown causes)
Risk factors for developing hematuria:
Any person of any age including children and teenagers can suffer from hematuria in their lifetime. Following are the common risk factors for developing hematuria.
When the patient has family history of kidney diseases.
Ingestion of medicines like Aspirin, heparin and other pain relieving medicines of NSAIDS group.
History of having enlarged prostate in the patient.
Recent bacterial or viral infection.
People who do strenuous exercises like running continuously for a long distance.
History of presence of renal stones.
Diagnosis of Hematuria:
Most common and useful test for diagnosing hematuria is the urine analysis test. Urine analysis test is done by doing microscopic examination of urine. If the sample shows the presence of more than 5 RBCs in two consecutive urine samples, given on two different days, then it confirms the diagnosis of hematuria and the case should be investigated further.
Other tests include
USG, CT scan and MRI scan:Patient is subjected to USG or ultra sonography of kidney, ureter and bladder. This is the most convenient and useful test to find out presence of any calculus or tumor in the KUB region. Sometimes, if sonography findings are doubtful then patients are advised to undergo CT scans or MRI scans to get a more clear idea on the causes of hematuria.
Cystoscopy:This is a procedure in which the doctor passes a thin, flexible; lighted tube through urethra. The tube is further guided up to the bladder.
By doing this test doctor can examine the inner walls of bladder and urethras. If there is any obstruction of urine due to small urethral stones or bladder stones then they can be removed by doing cystoscopy. Urethral stricture can also be corrected by doing this test.
Kidney biopsy: A small piece of kidney is removed from the body by using a needle. This piece of tissue is then examined under the microscope by an expert. This test is useful to diagnose the type of kidney disease which causes hematuria.
Blood tests: Simple blood tests like CBC, S. creatinine, BUN are advised to the patient.
Management of hematuria:
Management of hematuria: Hematuria is not a disease but a symptom of some underlying disease condition. So, management of hematuria involves resolving the underlying pathology responsible for the development of hematuria. This means, if the patient is found having urinary tract infection then he should be treated with appropriate antibiotics, if there is presence of stone in bladder, kidney or urethra then appropriate measures for the stone removal should be taken.
Dietary modifications: There is no particular diet change required for the patients suffering from hematuria. But, they can be advised to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water per day. This may help in flushing out small stones from the body.
Homeopathic treatment for Hematuria:
Homeopathic approach is based on treating the underlying cause of hematuria. In those cases where exact cause in not elicited, there are some broad-spectrum medicines suggested to address the disease. Homeopathy is strongly suggested for hematuria.



Hemophilia is an uncommon, serious disease found in children where bleeding does not stop on its own. As we all know, if we get hurt on skin, there may be bleeding which stops automatically due to presence of some chemicals [called as Factor 8 (VIII) and 9 (IX)]. When these chemical factors are lacking in the blood, the bleeding does not stop on its own. This is exactly what happens in Hemophilia.
Hemophilia is a X linked genetic disorder caused as a result of the deficiency of factor VIII (hemophilia A) or factor IX (hemophilia B). It is a bleeding (coagulation) disorder where in the body impairs its ability to control the clotting of blood (stopping blood after blood vessel is cut).
Hemophilia is derived from the Greek word “Haimaphilia” where haima means blood and philia means love.
Incidence- Boys are more likely to get affected because of its X linked nature. As males have two X chromosomes they are likely to inherit and show symptoms. Whereas females have only one X chromosome hence they usually remain carriers of Hemophilia without any symptoms.
Signs and symptoms of Hemophilia
Bleeding on any part of the body, externally or internally. There could be bleeding on skin, bleeding from nose, ears, or bleeding in intestines, joints, brain, etc.
In the blood investigations, there is a normal bleeding time, thrombin time and prothrombin time but a prolonged partial thromboplastin time, hence there is a spontaneous prolonged bleeding compared to the normal individuals due to loss of factors.
Tendency to bleed in the joint space especially into the knee joints without any evident trauma which can also lead to permanent disfigurement and disability (Hemophilia arthropathy)
Children with mild to moderate hemophilia usually are symptom free but may have tendency to suffer from easy bruising and injuries due to frequent falls on walking.
Mild hemophilia may not be noticeable and be accidentally diagnosed after a prolonged bleeding in a dental procedure.
Hemophiliacs are prone to contract any infections like frequent cold and cough more easily compared to the normal individuals.
Joint damage due to haemarthrosis (hemophilic arthropathy)
Deep internal bleeding like intracranial hemorrhage which is a serious medical emergency
Transfusion infections like HIV and hepatitis C
Adverse reaction due to factor transfusion
01 Complete blood count
02 Partial thromboplastin time
03 Prothrombin time
04 Bleeding time
05 Clotting time
06 Genetic testing and genetic counseling for a mother who is a carrier
07 Prenatal testing like amniocentesis
Differential diagnosis (Similar diseases)
01 Von Willibrand disease may mimick hemophilia
02 Severe Vitamin K deficiency
Treatment of Hemophilia
Hemophilia is a difficult disease to manage. It calls for systematic and strategic integration of the conventional medicine as well as homeopathic medicine.
Conventional treatment
The ultimate treatment is to give factor VIII transfusions in hemophilia A or factor IX in Hemophilia B, which turn out to be very expensive. There is always a risk of contracting HIV and Hepatitis C during the transfusion of the factor concentrate. After a long term transfusion the patient becomes further immune and starts developing antibodies which moreover needs a different plan of treatment.
Homeopathic treatment of hemophilia
Certain studies by hematologists have shown efficacy of homeopathy for the management of Hemophilia. There are various homeopathic remedies, which prove to be useful in controlling the bleeding tendencies in hemophilia. These homeopathic medicines have an affinity for act on the blood vessels, capillaries and helps in accelerating the healing mechanism. They create varied pathogenesis in the major arteries and veins of the body causing hemorrhage, oozing, effusions and delayed healing and prolonged clotting time when taken in their crude (raw) doses.
The medicines like Lachesis, Crotalus horridus, Phosphorus, Millifolium and Ipecacuanha have anti-bleeding effects. They are known to stimulate the factors in the blood vessel in order to facilitate the healing process and stop bleeding.
Homeopathy in the treatment of hemophilia can be given as a supportive line of treatment especially in long standing cases. However acute exacerbations can be tackled with the conventional line of treatment. It has a good scope in homeopathy as it reduces the dependency on clotting factor concentrates which are expensive and may be not affordable by every individual.
Homeopathy is a cost-effective which helps in reducing frequency and intensity of bleeding episodes. The frequency and duration of bleeding, easy bruising can be reduced.
There is no threat of any side effects due to the long term homeopathic treatment. It is easy and safe to take homeopathic medications for a long time. These medications act at the immunity level. The immune system is boosted in order to avoid the recurrence of infections which occurs frequently in hemophiliacs. Cold and cough is a common entity found which can be taken care of with a correctly selected homeopathic remedy.
It can be concluded that homeopathy has a good scope in treating various parameters and presentation of hemophilia through an individualistic approach. Homeopathy assures to improve the quality of life of the patient and also help patient’s to lead an independent life by further increasing the life expectancy.



Hepatitis A

Definition: Hepatitis A is a viral infection caused by the Hepatitis A virus. Many people in India call this disease ‘Jaundice’. Infections with Hepatitis A virus are mild in majority cases, with most people making a full recovery. In rare instances, a person with a compromised immunity may develop severe and life-threatening complications.
Hepatitis A virus is transmitted through food or water contaminated with feces of infected persons. You have higher chances of getting infected with the disease if you are in close contact with a person who is carrying the virus, even if he has no signs or symptoms.
Signs and symptoms
After being exposed to the virus, it takes around 2 to 7 weeks to develop signs and symptoms of Hepatitis A. Symptoms usually last for about 2 months but may last longer in some cases.
Symptoms and signs that you may suffer from are:
Feeling very tired
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Pain in abdomen especially on the right side underneath the ribs, the site where your liver is located.
Soreness and aches in muscles
Nausea and vomiting
Low-grade fever
Running nose, cough and sore throat may be found in kids
After some days, you may develop certain symptoms that indicate the liver is affected, such as:
Dark urine
Clay-colored stools
Developing Yellow skin and yellow color of the white part of your eyes (Jaundice).
Itching of skin
Risk factors for developing Hepatitis A:
You’re at increased risk of hepatitis A if you are:
Living with a person affected with Hepatitis A
Travelling to an area with high incidence of Hepatitis A
HIV positive
Depending on the presenting symptoms, severity and origin of symptoms you should go and visit physician.
If needed and if the presenting symptoms match the symptoms manifested by the virus, doctor can suggest you for a blood test.
Hepatitis A Virus Test Hepatitis A virus blood test detects the protein made in response to the virus, by the body. This little information about the blood test can help you.
IgM Anti – HAV
This directs towards the conclusion that it is a recent infection (HAV).
Can be detected within a span of 2 -3 weeks.
It is self limiting
Anti – bodies disappears from the body within 3 – 12 months of time.
IgG Anti – HAV
It shows you had chronic infection with HAV.
After the initial first infection later 8-12 weeks these antibodies are formed resulting in life-long protection against HAV. Results of the blood tests: Negative results means that no antibodies against the hepatitis virus were found. Positive results mean that hepatitis A antibodies were found. Results are usually available in 5 to 7 days.
Hepatits A Test
Negative: No hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibodies are found
Positive: Hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibodies are found If yes,
Then more test are needed to see if it’s an active infection or in latent phase (resolved)
Complications of Hepatitis A
Viruses causing hepatitis in some or the other way are bad for the body. But Hepatitis A virus does not prove to damage liver on a long-term basis and rarely cause irreversible pathological changes. Rarely it can become dangerous causing acute live failure requiring hospitalization.
How to prevent Hepatitis A
It is possible to prevent Hepatitis A infection.
Hand washing compliance
Eating food only from hygienic places.
Avoid eating out mostly in rainy weather as water born diseases are common in this season.
Not to use personal care things of infected persons-like tooth brush, razor, towels etc.
Drinking boiled water.
As we know that Hepatitis A is an acute outbreak of symptoms affecting liver superficially on the functional level. Mere keeping in mind the general precautions with the conventional treatment brings quick relief.
General treatment
Take complete rest
Take plenty of fluids in diet
Increase the intake of Glucose in diet
Diet Control
Specifically to avoid deep fried food.
To avoid fats in food, i.e. ghee, milk products, refined or white flour (Maida).
To take plenty of fruits, soups and bland diet.
Homeopathic treatment for Hepatitis A
Homeopathy is known to work to the immunological level, and has proven its efficacy in the treatment of a wide range of viral infections. With homeopathic medicines, the cases of Hepatitis A are better controlled and symptomatic relief is also obtained very well. The best part of homeopathic treatment is that the disease is kept under control and general health improved without any kind of side-effects whatsoever. Some medications which act wonderfully on the acute exacerbation of Hepatitis A virus are Natrum sulphuricum, Chelidonium majus, Pulsatilla nigra, Bryonia alba, Nux vomica, and many more.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a viral infection caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). This virus is capable of causing life-long infection, liver cirrhosis (scaring), liver failure, liver cancer and death.

As mentioned above the cause of Hepatitis B is the virus- HBV. The virus spreads when blood from an infected person enters the body of a non-infected person. This virus enters the blood stream and reaches the liver where it reproduces and releases large numbers of new viruses into the bloodstream. HBV can survive outside the body for at least 7 days and can still be capable of causing infection.

HBV is mainly found in the blood of infected individuals. Saliva, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk also contain the virus but in lower concentrations as compared to the blood. Feces, nasal secretions, sputum, sweat, tears, urine and vomit have not been implicated in the spread of Hepatitis B. Unless they are visibly contaminated with blood, the risk of contracting hepatitis B from these fluids is practically nonexistent. Hepatitis B is not transmitted by casual contact, hugging, by sharing eating utensils, through food or water, etc.
After a person has been exposed to the HBV, the blood test (HBsAg) will become positive on an average within 4 weeks (range 1- 9 weeks). Usually within 15 weeks of onset of the symptoms, this test becomes negative in most individuals (except those who have developed chronic infection).
Risk factors for developing Hepatitis B:
Sexual contact with an infected individual
Sexual contact with multiple partners
Male homosexual contact
Intravenous drug abuse (due to sharing of infected needles)
Health care workers (due to close contact with infected individuals)
Occupational blood exposure
Sharing toothbrushes, razors, etc
From an infected mother to new-born infant
Chronic renal failure patients on Dialysis
Tattooing, piercing of skin (ears, lips, navel, etc)
Dental procedure
Medical procedures (including transfusion of blood or blood products)
Staying with a chronic Hepatitis B patient
Traveling to countries which have a high prevalence of Hepatitis B
It must be noted that people of any age, sex, race or nationality can be infected by this virus.

Sometimes a person with HBV infection may not have any symptoms at all. In patients who do develop symptoms, they occur on an average of about 12 weeks (range 9-21 weeks) after exposure to hepatitis B virus. About 70% of the patients develop symptoms of Hepatitis B. The symptoms include:

Jaundice: Yellowness of skin and/or sclera (white portion of the eyes)
Loss of appetite
Abdominal discomfort
Nausea with or without vomiting
Dark yellow urine
Clay colored stools
Lethargy, fatigue
Body ache, joint pain, etc
About Chronic Hepatitis B infection:
Chronic Hepatitis B means that the body did not get rid of the virus when the patient was first infected with HBV thus leading to long-term HBV infection. The younger the age group at the time of first infection with this virus, the higher is the chance of developing chronic HBV infection. Thus almost 90% of infected infants, about 30% of infected children between 1-5 years of age and only 2- 6% of infected people above 5 years of age will develop chronic infection.
Carriers of Hepatitis B are those individuals who are capable of transmitting the virus to other individuals. Majority of hepatitis B carriers are asymptomatic (displaying no symptoms) whereas only 30% of them show symptoms of the disease.
Following are some of the common tests used to diagnose Hepatitis B infection:
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg): It can be detected in high levels in serum during acute or chronic hepatitis. The presence of HBsAg indicates that the person is infectious.
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (anti-HBs): The body normally produces antibodies to HBsAg as a part of the normal immune response to infection. The presence of anti-HBs is generally interpreted as indicating recovery and immunity from HBV infection. Anti-HBs also develops in a person who has been successfully vaccinated against hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg):This is found in the serum during acute and chronic hepatitis B. The presence of Hepatitis B envelope antigen (HBeAg) indicates that the virus is replicating and the infected individual has high levels of HBV.
Hepatitis B e Antibody (anti-HBe): This is produced by the immune system temporarily during acute HBV infection.
Hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) This is an antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen. The core antigen is found on virus particles but disappears early in the course of infection. This antibody is produced during and after an acute HBV infection and is usually found in chronic HBV carriers as well as those who have cleared the virus, and usually persists for life.

Hepatitis B tests interpretation






Susceptible to Hepatitis B infection



Immune due to natural infection



Immune due to Hepatitis B vaccination

IgM anti-HBc


Acutely infected

IgM anti-HBc


Chronically infected



* 4 Interpretations possible

* 4 Interpretations possible
1) Patient might be recovering from acute HBV infection
2) Patient might be immune and the test may not be sensitive enough to detect very low level of anti-HBs in serum
3) Patient might be susceptible and may be having a false positive anti-HBc
4) Patient may be actually chronically infected and may be having undetectable levels of HBsAg in the serum
Complications of Hepatitis B: These include the following:
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Homeopathic Treatment:
Homeopathy is known to work to the immunological level, and has proven its efficacy in the treatment of a wide range of viral infections. With homeopathic medicines, the cases of Hepatitis B are better controlled, the process of cirrhosis is well kept under check and symptomatic relief is also obtained very well. Homeopathic treatment can also help in delaying the complications of Hepatitis B (such as cirrhosis and liver cancer) as far as possible. It may also be noted that the treatment for chronic Hepatitis B has to be planned for a longer duration of time. The best part of homeopathic treatment is that the disease is kept under control and general health improved without any kind of side-effects whatsoever.



Herpes is a viral infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are 2 types of Herpes Simplex Virus: Type 1 and Type 2. HSV type 1 causes Oral Herpes infection and HSV type 2 causes genital herpes. It must be noted that there is a considerable overlap in this- HSV type 1 can also cause genital herpes in some cases and vice-versa; this usually occurs due to transmission via oro-genital contact.
Some of the patients exhibit the symptoms due to the virus while in many patients the virus (HSV 1 or 2) resides in a latent (resting) state in the nerves (that supply sensation to the skin) without showing any indications of its presence.
Most of the sufferers have recurring infections, as the virus has a tendency to show up its disease activity periodically, especially during phases of stress, lowered immunity or sometimes without any known reason. There are over four million new cases of herpes reported every year in the US. Due to carefree sex and careless contact, as I put it, this infection is bound to touch an epidemic status one day.
HSV infection is mostly spread by direct skin-to-skin contact. Transmission may occur directly, or through contact with infected razors, towels, dishes, and other shared articles. Sexual contact (including oro-genital contact) is the most common way to transmit genital HSV infection. The virus can be shed in saliva and genital secretions of patients, even if they have no symptoms.
Initial infection may not be noticed by the patient at times but if the lesions do appear they are usually more severe and subsequent recurrences tend to be milder. Typically herpes presents as small blisters (vesicles) filled with clear yellowish fluid. The blisters may occur on a raised, red, painful skin area and they may form, break, and ooze. Yellowish crusts may slough to reveal pink, healing skin underneath. There may be several smaller blisters that merge to form a larger blister. Oral herpes presents as skin lesions that occur around the lips, mouth and gums.

In males, genital herpes usually presents as genital ulcers which are most frequent on the glans, foreskin and shaft of the penis. They are generally sore or painful and last for 2 to 3 weeks. The local lymph glands get enlarged and
tender. In women, similar lesions occur on the external genitalia and the mucosa of the vulva, vagina and cervix. Pain and difficulty passing urine are other common symptoms. Some people may also develop flu-like symptoms (fever, headache and muscular pain).

Genital herpes shows its activities by producing acute, chronic, episodic, local and/or generalized symptoms.
The Horror:

The horror of herpes virus lies in its resistance to traditional medication and tendency to attack again and again. The herpes virus, detected 200 years ago has a great affinity to the human race and it is resistance to any treatment targeted at the local eruptions. That is to say local creams or any (so called) antiviral application may help little and cannot curb this horrible virus from within.
Prevention of Herpes Genitalis
This infection is contracted by sexual contact. Simply, protected sex is the best way to have protection from this infection. Use of condom while having genital or oral sex works as a preventive measure.
The homeopathy approach and treatment:
As a rule, homeopathy does not believe in local or external medication. The constitutionally selected
homeopathic treatment administered orally helps inner healing and the recurring, chronic infection is thus treated successfully.
Over the year we have observed encouraging and positive result with well selected homeopathy medication. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for Herpes infection.
Some of the medicines for Herpes Genitalis
Nitric acid, Thuja Occidentalis, Causticum, Medorrhinum, Silica are some of the commonly indicated homeopathic medicines often required in the course of treatment of Herpes Genitalis.

Herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster (shingles) is a viral infection, caused by Varicella zoster virus. It is commonly called as shingles. According to study, 90% patients with Herpes zoster have had chicken pox few years back.
In children and young adult the incidence rate is 2-4 per thousand. In adult age the prevalence is 8 – 10/ thousand.
Causative factors
Varicella zoster virus causes acute illness chicken pox. Even after chickenpox is resolved the virus is not eliminated. It can go on to cause Herpes zoster. This virus is located in nerve cells. It may remain silent for years together. When it gets activated, the symptoms appear along the course of nerves.
Sign and symptoms
Herpes zoster is characterised by painful erruptions (yellowish fluid filled) in a linear shape over limited area of body like face, eyes, genitals and other body parts. The eruptions can be reddish brown in colour. The pain may be mild or unbearable and is related to nerve in which the virus is located. The erruptions may subside in 3-6 weeks but pain may remain same.
Same presentation of the Herpes eruption can also be noted on genitals in male and females also. These erruption may last for 2-3 weeks or longer. The local lymph nodes may get swollen. There can be recurrent relapse.
Herpes Zoster is known to leave behing a painful conditon called Post-herpetic Neuralgia in many patients.
Skin to skin contact is the major source of spread. Transmission may also occur directly, or through contact with infected razors, towels, dishes, and other shared articles. Oral sex is the most common way to transmit genital HSV infection.

Blood test for Herpes antibodies isolation
PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
Virus can be detected by investigations of variety of body fluids such as eye secretions, mouth secretions, blister fluid, genital secretions, urine and blood and in very sick patients, the cerebrospinal fluid.
Conventional Treatment
Antiviral, Analgesics and steroids are the treatment that may help little in some patients but can not kill this horrible virus from within. Body may develop resistance to same dose of the antiviral or analgesics medicines. Then subsequently the power of the antiviral medicines needs to be increased. Again resistance develops and the cycle continues till patient starts getting severe side effects.
Steroids have their own set of side effects on Blood sugar, blood pressure, bone mass, body weight etc.
Homeopathic Treatment for Herpes Zoster
Homeopathy can effectively treat Herpes zoster. In homeopathy there is no local or external medication. Constitutional medicines are given after studying mind and body in detail. Constitutional medicines reduce the intensity of pain, burning and subsequently reduce infection, and shorten the duration of infection. Relapses are also prevented by homeopathy. Homeopathy is also very effective in the cases of Post-herpetic neuralgia. Homeopathy is strongly advocated in the cases of Herpes Zoster.


Hot Flashes

What are Hot Flashes?
“Hot flashes” are terms used to explain sudden sensations of
Extreme heat,
with profuse sweating.
Rapid heart beats.
These last anywhere between 2 to 30 minutes.
Why do they occur?
The hot flash results from altered thermal stability, which is maintained by the hypothalamus (a brain region located above the pituitary gland on the brain’s floor). This organ controls the body’s temperature regulation. Estrogen levels can affect some functions of the hypothalamus. During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen. Sensing this, the hypothalamus responds by rapidly changing body temperature. The result may be a hot flash.
How frequent are they?
Some people get only 2 episodes in a week while others suffer multiple episodes in the same day.
Some women go from feeling hot to feeling cold. The hot flash may begin with a sudden tingling in the fingers, toes, cheeks, or ears.
Severe hot flashes occurring the night time, called ‘night-sweats’, can lead to severe sleep deprivation.
Severe hot flashes can cause ‘rosacea’ (flushing and redness) on the central face and across the cheeks, nose, or forehead.
As estrogen is typically lowest at night, a woman might get night sweats without having any hot flashes during the daytime.
How long will these hot flashes last?
Nearly 85% of perimenopausal women suffer from hot flashes. 25% of these may keep having them up to 10 years after menopause.
Who gets hot flashes?
Conditions which predispose to hot flashes:
Do men have hot flashes?
Normal aging can cause the condition in a few men. Men receiving testosterone suppression treatment or castration for prostatic carcinoma are known to suffer hot flashes. Alcohol is another proven factor that can cause this condition in many men.
Diet & Lifestyle Changes
Alcohol, coffee, caffeinated beverages, chocolates, very hot or spicy foods etc. are established triggers for hot flashes. Try to avoid these. Identify the triggers in your case.
Have more of foods that alleviate the condition. Soya milk, whole soya beans, tofu, tempeh, black cohosh. Osteoporosis is another condition aggravated by menopause. Have foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, and talk to your physician before opting for supplemental calcium.
Exercising regularly minimizes the effects of hot flashes. If you are going through menopause & do not exercise, then start now. You can walk, run, ride a bicycle, or do another activity. Just don’t exercise within 3 hours of going to bed to help prevent night sweats. Regular session can also prevent other health conditions like osteoporosis, high blood pressures, stroke and diabetes.
Wear only cotton clothes. Since, hot flashes are worse in summers, try wearing clothes in layers. This makes it easier to shed them in case of a sudden attack.
Treatment options available for hot flashes
Conventional Treatments
Generally, if your symptoms are mild, no treatment is required. Medications are needed only when hot flashes disrupt your daily life.
Declining estrogen levels in blood is known to contribute to hot flashes. The conventional treatments emphasize on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as the first line of treatment. It is advisable to start with the lowest dose which alleviates the symptoms and to increase the dosage gradually, based on symptom response. However, HRT is associated with many side-effects, like breast cancer, stroke, and dementia, making their long-term benefits very doubtful.
Gabapentine, to an extend, alleviates hot flashes in castrated men, or those being treated for prostate carcinoma.
Other alternatives to decrease the intensity & frequency of hot flashes are changes in diet and living.
Homeopathic Treatment for Hot flashes:
Being a hormonal disorder connected with body’s own thermal regulatory mechanism, homeopathy has a great role to play. We have treated a number of cases where patients have reported significant to complete recovery from Hot flashes. The medicines are selected on the basis of individual case details and are very effective. Homeopathic treatment for Hot flashes is strongly recommended.


Raised blood pressure is labeled as hypertension. In realism, blood pressure of an individual tends to increase with advancing age. So, term hypertension will be used when blood pressure exceeds the normal range for a particular age group.
Unattended blood pressure can lead to a number of serious complications including stroke, heart diseases, kidney failure, etc.
Hypertension is very common in general population. However, in 95% of cases a specific underlying cause of hypertension cannot be pointed out. This hypertension is labeled as essential hypertension and is believed to be related to genetic and heredity factors. There are multiple factors that increase chances of hypertension significantly: Age, Obesity, High levels of body fats (cholesterol), Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking, Food (more salt intake), Life-style factors (lack of exercise, lack of sleep, mental stress, etc). There is a very small group of cases where hypertension is a result of some specific disease condition in the body and is labeled as secondary hypertension.
It can be easily perceived that hypertension is a constitutional disorder as constitutional defect (genetic factors) is at the base of it and the disorder itself has impact on entire constitution of an individual. While treating hypertension, the treatment needs to be planned to focus at a root level: to affect the genetic tendency. Homeopathic treatment does that precisely.

Suggestion about homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathy can play major role in management of essential or secondary hypertension. Timely administered homeopathy medicines can assist in preventing further complications of condition. Life-style modification with moderate exercise, weight reduction, salt restriction can enhance the benefits of homeopathy.
In our experience, early cases of hypertension respond to homeopathy much better than those late cases who are already on some antihypertensive medicines for long period of time. Again, homeopathy is not best suited during the acute hypertensive crisis. We, at Life Force, undertake only early cases of Hypertension, who are not on the conventional anti-hypertensive medications. We also undertake those resistant cases who have not responded to the conventional treatment.



Excessive secretion of thyroid hormones in the body is called as hyperthyroidism (hyper=more).
Thyroid is small gland situated in the midline and base of the neck. The gland produces thyroid hormones T4 (Tetraiodothyronine/Thyroxine) and T3 (Triiodothyronine) that are absolutely essential for maintaining harmony of various body functions. Thyroid hormones govern the speed of body’s chemical reaction and have positive influence on growth of an individual (mental and physical). Because thyroid hormones affect growth, development and many cellular processes, excess of thyroid hormones has widespread consequences on the body.
There are many causes that can cause over activity of the thyroid gland and in most cases the entire gland is producing more hormones, this is seen in Grave’s disease. Grave’s disease is actually an auto-immune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly starts attacking it’s own cells (in this case the thyroid gland) resulting in inflammation and enlargement of the gland (Goiter) and production of excess hormones. In some cases, there is a particular solitary nodule in the gland (called ‘Hot’ nodule) that is producing more hormones; there may also be multiple such nodules in the gland Inflammation of the thyroid gland (Thyroiditis) due to any other cause can also result in hyperthyroidism.
Increased secretion of thyroid hormones can produce myriad of symptoms that vary from person to person and with the age of patient. The common symptoms include:
Weight loss despite normal or increased appetite
Heat intolerance
Difficulty in breathing
Increased bowel movements
Light or absent menstrual periods
Tremors of hands and fingers
Excessive perspiration
Signs commonly seen in patients with Hyperthyroidism:
Fast heart rate
Muscle weakness
Trembling hands
Weight loss
Hair loss
Staring gaze
Warm moist skin
Lump in the neck (Goiter)
Hyperthyroidism being a constitutional disorder calls for an in-depth constitutional approach for its management. The science of homeopathy is based on the concept that disease is total affliction of body and may find its local expression at the level of certain organs. Hence homeopathy prescription take into account presenting complaints along with physical, emotional and genetic make up of a person that individualizes him/her. The remedy prescribed based on this entire totality treats the disorder at its root cause and thus restores the normal functioning of the body.
Suggestion about homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathy is suggested for cases of hyperthyroidism. Homeopathy helps in alleviating the symptoms associated with the condition. Moreover, homeopathy works at a deeper level to bring deviations of immunity back to normalcy and to restore the harmony of the body. Homeopathy works better in the early and mild cases of Hyperthyroidism and not in chronic and severe cases. Extreme cases where the hyper activity of thyroid gland has affected other vital organs, homeopathy has limited role.