Diseases Starting with M

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Mastoiditis is an inflammation of mastoid process (bone), the portion of the temporal bone of the skull that is behind the ear. Mastoid process contains open, air-containing spaces. Mastoiditis used to be a leading cause of child mortality.
Mastoiditis can be acute, chronic or recurrent.
In most cases, Mastoiditis is caused by certain gram-positive bacteria such as streptococci pyrogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, etc. Gram-negative bacteria can rarely cause Mastoiditis.
Mastoiditis is usually caused by the infection of the middle ear, which is called acute otitis media. Infection from middle ear spreads to the air cells of the mastoid process.
Mastoiditis may be the result of blockage of ear drainage. A skin tumor in the middle ear called Cholesteotoma may block the ear drainage.
Perforation of tympanic membrane may also lead to Mastoiditis.
Discomfort or pain behind the ear.
Discharge of pus, fluid from ear.
Redness and swelling behind the ear.
Fever or headache in case of acute Mastoiditis.
Hearing loss and vertigo
It is best diagnosed clinically with the help of detail history and physical examination. CT scan, MRI and X-ray help to confirm the diagnosis and evaluate the extent of disease.
Hearing loss
Facial nerve palsy
Brain abscess
Treatment Options for Mastoiditis
Conventional treatment:
In conventional medicines, Mastoiditis is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, often administer through intra-venous route.
Homeopathic treatment:
Homeopathic medicines help to treat the acute infection as well as the chronic and recurring infections. If the acute infection is very severe, homeopathy may not help fast enough. However, chronic and recurring Mastoiditis finds excellent treatment using homeopathy. Medicines are chosen based on some symptoms, extent of pathology and investigational findings. Some of the commonly indicated medicines are Mercurious solubus, Mercurious-iodum flavum and rubrum, Asafetida, Kali iodum, Pulsatilla nigra, Tuberculinum, etc. Homeopathy is strongly recommended in all chronic cases of Mastoiditis.

Meniere's Disease

Meniere’s disease is a disorder affecting the inner ear. It causes episodes of vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear.
Who Gets Meniere’s disease?
2 in every 1000 people suffer from Meniere’s disease. People in their 40’s and 50’s are most affected. However, people in their 20’s can also suffer from this condition. Meniere’s affects men and women equally.
The symptoms of Meniere’s are variable. A typical attack is preceded by fullness in one or both ears. The attack generally consists of imbalance, vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), sweating and nausea. Though some people can predict the onset of an attack, most people find their onset unpredictable.
Severity and frequency of attacks are variable. Still an average attack lasts for many hours (days in some) and are followed by extreme exhaustion, making the person sleep for many hours together.
The typical symptoms seen in Meniere’s disease are:
This is a subjective feeling of rotation (either of oneself or the surrounding), having sudden onset and in severe cases, accompanied by sweating, nausea and vomiting.
There is a subjective sensation of ringing, roaring or swooshing in the ears. Usually one ear is affected, though it is not uncommon for both ears to be affected.
Hearing loss or deafness
Progressive hearing loss in one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) ears is experienced. Initially, the lower frequencies are the first to go.
Fullness in both ears
There is a feeling of fullness in the ears similar to that experienced in pressure changes. However, there is no relief obtained by swallowing.
Increased sensitivity to light in any form which aggravates the headaches and vertigo is a common symptom.
What causes Meniere’s disease?
Studies have suggested the presence of an autoimmune factor in the development of Meniere’s disease. The exact cause is yet unknown. The inner ear contains fluid called endolymph. This fluid is enclosed within a structure of membranes. Increase in pressures within this enclosure causes these membranes to bulge. This condition is called “hydrops”. Yet, all persons with Meniere’s disease don’t present with hydrops. Where the cause of hydrops is known, the condition is called “endolymphatic hydrops” and not Meniere’s disease.
Good clinical history supported by otoneurological evaluation and audiometry help an experienced physician to make a correct diagnosis of Meniere’s disease. An MRI is often suggested to rule out tumor of 8th cranial nerve.
Homeopathic treatment for Meniere’s disease:
Homeopathy works in most cases of Meniere’s disease. Symptomatic relief as well as reduction in the swelling of the endolymphatic sac can be achieved. Recurrence of Meniere’s disease can be controlled. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for Meniere’s disease during all stages.

Molluscum Contagiosum

More illustrative Molluscum contagiosum (contagiosa) is a commonly found skin infection, especially among children, which looks like small, pearl shaped, pinkish white eruptions on skin. It is a viral infection. It is also found in adults who are immunodeficient due to some reason. The infection is most common between the age of one to ten years. Molluscum Contagiosum can affect any area on the body but is usually observed on the face, arms and legs.
Molluscum contagiosum is caused by DNA poxvirus called the Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV).

(Armpit, face, neck: Photos of patients treated at Life force.)
It is a benign self-limiting infection which presents in the form of rounded, pearl shaped eruptions. The lesions are flesh-colored, dome-shaped, and pearly in appearance.
They are usually 1–5 millimeters in diameter, with a dimpled center.
They are generally not painful, but they may itch or become irritated.

If it bursts, it can become painful and even may get infected due to some secondary bacterial infection. Picking or scratching the bumps may lead to further infection or scarring and bleeding.
In about 10% of the cases, eczema develops around the lesions. They may occasionally be complicated by secondary bacterial infection.
Spread of Molluscum Contagiosum:

(Face, neck: Photos of patients treated at Life force.)
Being viral in origin, it spreads by skin contact and touch. The lesions shown above shows how infection has spread to nearby areas. The picture on the left also shows an infected form of Molluscum contagiosum.
Scratching the bumps and then touching the skin or through sex contact is the most common way is spreads from one part to the body to another. Handling objects that have the virus on them, such as a towel, can also result in infection. The virus can be spread among children at a day care or at school. It is limited to a localized area on the topmost layer of the epidermis. Children present with clusters largely due to self-spread.

Even after successful treatment, it can recur, since it does not give life long immunity.
About one in twenty young people are infected at some time with Molluscum contagiosum.
Diagnosis is made on the clinical examination by experiences eyes. No blood test or biopsy required.
Molluscum contagiosum is a self-limiting condition; which means that it gets cured if untreated. However, in that case, it may take up to six months. Some treatment measures may shorten the duration and reduce the changes of spread. It is contagious until the bumps are gone-which, if untreated, may be up to 6 months or longer. The time from infection to the appearance of lesions ranges from 2 week to 6 months, with an average incubation period of 6 weeks.
The Molluscum virus cannot be routinely cultured in the laboratory.
General treatment:
It is done by popping the core containing the virus with a needle. The central waxy core contains the virus. This procedure must be done regularly to prevent multiplying of the virus. Once the virus containing head of the lesion has been destroyed, the infection is gone.
Surgical treatment:
It involves killing infected cells by “freezing” them with a pressurized liquid spray, usually liquid nitrogen or nitrous oxide. The procedure is relatively painless and can be performed by any health professional. The infected cells may fall off immediately or fade over several days.
Laser therapy:
Pulsed dye laser therapy is the treatment of choice when there are multiple lesions. Any surgical treatment requires to be repeated each time, new crops of lesions appear.
Homeopathic Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum:
Homeopathy has effective treatment for a range of viral infections which includes Molluscum contagiosum. There are a few commonly indicated anti-viral medicines which are specially suitable for this condition. This problem is largely self-limiting and does not require medicine unless it is severe and extensive. It has to be remembered that the medicines have to be chosen based on the patients individual symptoms; and not that they work for all the patients alike. Some of the medicines are Thuja occidentalis, Dulcamara, Silica, Natrum Muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron, Causticum, Nitric acid, etc.
Homeopathic treatment is strongly suggested for Molluscum contagiosum, especially for the severe variety.

Mouth Ulcers

Recurring Ulcers in mouth is a common problem for many. Small or large, one or several at a time, short lasting or those lasting for a few days, painful or nor painful, could be some of the features of this condition. Medically, this condition is also called Aphthous stomatitis.
Causes of Oral ulcers
The most common causes of recurring ulcers in mouth can be summarized as under:
Deficiency: Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron deficiency. This is a most common cause of ulcers in mouth especially found among vegetarians. Also, iron deficiency in women due to healthy menses, could be a common cause. The treatment has to be targeted by proper supplements.
Stress: Next common cause is acute or prolongs stress. Observed usually in those young people who live stressful life do to stringent deadlines are work, irregular sleep pattern.
Smoking, use of tobacco, drugs, etc.
Mechanical cause: Pressure to do rough or decayed tooth, bad dentures, etc.
Bad oral hygiene
Medicines: Some of the conventional medicines are known to produce mouth ulcers. They include pain-killers (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines), antibiotics, anti-cancer (chemotherapy), radiation, immunosuppressive medicines such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, Alendronic acid (used for osteoporosis) and some more.
Infections: Some bacterial, viral and fungal infections
Some oral diseases like Oral Lichen Planus
Cancer: A non-healing ulcer in the mouth with swollen lymph node in neck must be examined to rule out cancer.
Some unknown causes
As said above, ulcers in mouth could be in any form, size, shape, number and duration.
It is more often found above the age of 20 years, in both sexes. Children also may present with oral ulcers. Having ulcers once in a couple of years may not need much attention. However, if the ulcers keep recurring and if they take long time to heal, it calls for evaluation and strategic treatment.
Treatment for Mouth Ulcer
As a rule, the treatment has to be targeted at the cause of the ulcers.
Homeopathic treatment for oral ulcers
Recurring oral ulcers can be treated using homeopathy with great success. Depending on the cause behind the ulcers, the treatment has to be targeted. Some of the commonly used homeopathic medicines for acute and chronic oral ulcers are Borax, Nitric Acid, Carbolic acid, Mercurious solubus, Phosphorus, Arsenic album, Carbo animalis, Kali choloratum, etc.
Homeopathic treatment is strongly suggested for all cases of recurring and chronic Oral ulcers.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is the disease of nervous system. The disease is more common in the western world. The disease affects young individuals, has a prolonged course and causes disability at the prime of life. The disease is marked by frequent remissions and relapses.
The disease produces a myriad of symptoms. Some of the common symptoms include haziness and dimness of vision, double vision, scanning speech, tremors of hands and legs, weakness of one or more limbs, numbness and tingling pains in the limbs, vertigo and loss of balance, etc.
Though the condition produces life-impairing symptoms, the exact cause of this condition is not clear. Recent research suggests that the disease is due to disturbance of immune system where body’s own defense mechanism starts attacking body’s own organs and tissues. The genetic and heredity factors are at the root of this alteration of immune system.
To sum up, multiple sclerosis is a constitutional disorder and calls for an in-depth constitutional approach towards its management. Homeopathy, too, is based on the constitutional approach. Homeopathy medicines are prescribed after taking into account the presenting complaints along with physical, emotional and genetic make up that individualizes a person. Homeopathy medicines being deep-acting assist in bringing back deviations of immunity to normalcy.
Suggestion about homeopathic treatment
Although Multiple Sclerosis has always puzzled physicians of all walks; interestingly homeopathy system offers reasonably positive treatment if not cure in such cases. The various expressions of disease can be managed effectively, gently, and safely with Homeopathy. Early intervention with homeopathy can assist in preventing further progress and hence deterioration caused by disease.
At Life Force, we have limited experience with Multiple Sclerosis. However, we have observed and documented significant results in some of the cases. Homeopathy is recommended for Multiple Sclerosis in all stages, especially earlier stages.

Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy is not a single disease but a group of hereditary muscle destroying disorders. There are more than 30 types of these disorders, vary in their inheritance pattern, rate of progression, initial muscle attacked and age of onset.
The skeletal muscles are the main group of muscles affected in this disorder. The skeletal muscles are used during the voluntary body movements. There is progressive weakness and degeneration of these group of muscles.
The disease may occur in adulthood or childhood, but the more severe form tends to occur in early childhood.
Causes of Muscular Dystrophy
It is an inherited disorder, means it is passed down through generations in a family. Many cases occur from spontaneous mutation, that are not found in genes of either of the parent, and this defect can be passed to next generation.
Symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy
The day to day activities of the patient is affected. Some of them are
inability to walk
poor balance
loss of bowel control
drooping eyelids
waddling gait
respiratory difficulty
limited range of movements
frequent falls
loss of strength in a muscle or a group of muscles as an adult
low muscle tone (hypotonia)
joint contracture (club foot, claw hand or others)
abnormally curved spine (scoliosis)
Some types involve heart muscles, causing cardiomyopathy or disturbed heart rhythm (arrhythmias)
Diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy:
The diagnosis is based on the combination of characteristic clinical presentation and the results of muscle biopsy.
Prognosis of Muscular Dystrophy
There is no remission in this disease. The severity of the disability depends on the type of muscular dystrophy. Some cases may be mild and progress very slowly over a normal lifespan, while others produce severe muscle weakness and functional disability. All types of Muscular Dystrophy slowly get worse, but how fast this happens varies widely.
Treatment of Muscular Dystrophy
It is not an incurable disorder, rather a genetic disorder for which no satisfactory treatment has been found in any system of medicine.
The treatment is aimed at controlling the symptoms.
Progressive loss of muscle mass is primarily responsible for reduced quality and length of life. The drug treatment is based on slowing the process of muscle degeneration and thus improvement of the quality of life. Corticosteroids are known to extend the ability of these patients to walk, but have substantial side effects and their mechanism of action is unknown.
Inactivity (such as bed rest and sitting for long periods) can worsen the disease.
Physical therapy, exercises, orthopedic instruments (wheel chairs and standing frames), speech therapy and corrective orthopedic surgeries may help to preserve muscle function and prevent joint contractures.
Occupational therapy may be given as a supportive line of therapy for being self sufficient to do daily activities (self care, self feeding etc)
Homeopathic treatment for Muscular Dystrophy
Homeopathic treatment helps to slow down the process of muscular degeneration, and can work on bringing some symptomatic relief, such as improving muscle power. It is aimed at better quality life.
Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after the detailed case study consisting of physical, emotional and genetic make up of an individual. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce the muscle weakness and control the disease progression. There are some specific Homeopathic remedies, which help for muscle paralysis and weakness and which have been found effective in the treatment of Muscular Dystrophy. Homeopathic treatment is recommended.

Myasthenia Gravis

What is Myasthenia Gravis (MG)?
The term Myasthenia gravis means ‘grave muscle weakness’. MG is a chronic progressive auto-immune disorder causing muscle weakness.
What happens in MG?
In MG, there is weakness of voluntary muscles (those controlled by will) and easy fatigability. This weakness comes up during periods of exertion and improves after rest. MG is an abnormality of the transmission of signals at the Neuro-Muscular Junction (NMJ). (Signals travel from brain to muscles via the nerves and the place where nerve joins muscle is called neuro-muscular junction.)
Whom can it affect?
Females are affected more often than males
Age of onset in females is during second to third decade
Onset is after sixth decade in males
2 out of every 100000 people are affected by MG
Auto-immune nature of MG:
In MG, the body’s defense system forms cells (antibodies) against acetyl choline receptors
These receptors are required for transmission of signals across the NMJ
When these receptors are blocked, altered or destroyed by the antibodies, muscle contraction cannot occur normally.

Causes of MG:
Thymus tumors or abnormal enlargement (hyperplasia)
Stress (aggravating factor in existing cases of Myasthenia Gravis)
Muscles usually affected by MG:
Muscles controlling eye and eyelid movements
Muscles of facial expression
Muscles of swallowing
Neck and limb muscles
Occasionally respiratory muscles
Symptoms of MG:
Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
Double vision (diplopia)
Difficulty in speech, slurred speech
Difficulty in swallowing
Nasal sounding speech
Weakness of neck muscles
Weakness of arms and legs
Symptoms are usually intermittent (i.e. come and go)
Symptoms may disappear for weeks and may appear again, later
Weakness tends to worsen as the day progresses and after prolonged activity

Myasthenia Crisis:
A condition in which respiratory muscles become severely weakened
Patient may have breathlessness, choking, aspiration of food
Myasthenia crisis is rare and may end in respiratory failure
Grades of MG:
Grade 1: Only ocular disease
Grade 2A: Mild generalized weakness
Grade 2B: Moderate generalized weakness
Grade 3: Severe generalized weakness
Grade 4: Myasthenia crisis
Triggers of Myasthenia Crisis:
Respiratory viral infections
Sudden withdrawal of steroids
Certain drugs
Psychological stress
Exertion (especially in hot climate)
Diagnosis of MG:
This is mainly based on clinical findings and a few supportive investigations:
Antibodies to acetyl choline receptors
EMG (Electromyogram)
Repetitive nerve stimulation
Tensilon test
CT chest (for thymus abnormalities)
Allopathic treatment mostly includes:
Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors (Pyridostigmine)
Immunosuppressive drugs
Plasmapheresis (a procedure in which abnormal antibodies are removed from the blood)
Intravenous immunoglobulin (temporarily modifies the immune system and provides the body with normal antibodies from donated blood)
Surgical treatment: Thymectomy
Homeopathic approach and scope:
Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disorder, which means that there is a fault with the immune system, guided by genetic tendencies and other general factors. In other words, MG is a constitutional disorder, where the whole constitution needs to be addressed. MG is a progressively deteriorating condition, calling for some measures to arrest or control the disease process. Homeopathic treatment being constitutional in nature, treats the disease at a deeper level, to achieve the following:
Control of the disease process
Symptomatic relief
Homeopathy has shown its efficacy in reducing the frequency of relapses and improving the power and tone of muscles. However, it may be noted that the improvement with homeopathy may not be as fast as one achieved by using the immunosuppressive medicines. The role of homeopathy is more as long term control, rather than for acute crisis control. Homeopathy with its constitutional approach works at deeper level and brings deviations of immune system back to normalcy and in consequence minimizes the need of exogenous neurotransmitters or steroids as prescribed by conventional treatment.


Myopia is known as nearsightedness in common parlance. People suffering from myopia can see near objects clearly and have a problem viewing distant objects which appear blurred and with less clarity.Myopia has high prevalence in Asian countries up to 80-90% as compared to 30-40% in European countries and the United States, and 10-20% in Africa. Research has proved a relationship between myopia and high IQ.Combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors like near sighted work like reading, computer games, watching TV is one of the reasons for myopia.


Myopia is caused due to change in the curvature of the lens of the eye due to weakening of eye muscles.


Longer exposure to daylight has been proven in a research to help prevent myopia.

Treatment for Myopia

Eye glasses, contact lenses, refractive surgery is the conventional treatment for myopia.

Eye exercises and biofeedback have been known to help myopics .Biofeedback helps in voluntary control of involuntary activities like the urge to urinate, defecate, etc. Biofeedback helps by giving positive signals the brain like positive self talk and the like and hence improves vision. It is widely practiced with good results.

Homeopathy has no scope in myopia. No over the counter homeopathic eye drops help either in treating or preventing myopia.